About this item

Issue date:
17 November 2023
Corporate Author:
Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora
Environmental health

These guidelines provide practical advice for the investigation and environmental case management of mercury-exposed cases. They are intended to assist the public health officers in achieving a tolerable level of mercury in the environment of exposed children and/or adults, so limiting any adverse effect on people’s health. Making their environment ‘mercury safe’ will also protect people who might otherwise be exposed to the same mercury hazards in the future.

Although the guidelines focus on secondary prevention, increasing evidence of the toxicity of mercury strengthens the importance of primary prevention.


2023 revisions

The 2023 revisions are minor and administrative in nature only, from the version published in July 2021.     

Download: The Environmental Case Management of Mercury-Exposed Persons - PDF, 1.2 MB

Guidelines for Public Health Officers

Download: The Environmental Case Management of Mercury-Exposed Persons - DOCX, 893 KB

Guidelines for Public Health Officers