Smoking status of daily vapers: New Zealand Health Survey 2017/18 to 2021/22
Publication date:This report presents results from new analysis to determine the smoking status of daily vapers by current smoker, ex-smoker or never-smoker status. This is based on New Zealand Health Survey data from 2017/18 to 2021/22.
Proposals for the Smoked Tobacco Regulatory Regime
Publication date:This consultation document outlines proposals for the Smoked Tobacco Regulatory Regime including the smoked tobacco retail scheme, low nicotine requirements, fees, notification requirements and youth vaping.
Smokefree Environments and Regulated Product Act 1990 Proposals for regulations: Summary of submissions 2021
Publication date:This report summarises the submissions the Ministry received as part of the public consultation process on the proposals for the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Regulations 2021.
Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 - Proposals for regulations
Publication date:The Ministry of Health is seeking views on a number of regulatory proposals to update the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990 to better support smokers to switch to less harmful regulated products as well as protect children, young people and non-smokers from the risks associated with vaping and smokeless tobacco products.
Tobacco and electronic cigarette use 2015/16: New Zealand Health Survey
Publication date:The Tobacco and Electronic Cigarette Use Data Explorer provides survey results on the following topics: smoking prevalence, types of tobacco products smoked, reasons for smoking roll-your-own cigarettes, initiation and uptake of smoking, smoking cessation behaviour, electronic cigarette use, smoking in pregnancy and exposure to second-hand smoke