Research, Evaluation and Monitoring of Illicit Tobacco in New Zealand: Baseline report 2022
Publication date:This publication is the first in a series of reports designed to provide an independent baseline of illicit trade in tobacco in Aotearoa.
Maximum numbers of approved smoked tobacco retail premises permitted in areas of New Zealand
Publication date:Currently there are around 6,000 retail stores selling smoked tobacco products in Aotearoa
Proposals for the Smoked Tobacco Regulatory Regime
Publication date:This consultation document outlines proposals for the Smoked Tobacco Regulatory Regime including the smoked tobacco retail scheme, low nicotine requirements, fees, notification requirements and youth vaping.
Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan
Publication date:This plan sets out the actions we will take over the next four years and beyond to achieve Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 and ultimately end the harm smoking causes.
Smokefree Environments and Regulated Product Act 1990 Proposals for regulations: Summary of submissions 2021
Publication date:This report summarises the submissions the Ministry received as part of the public consultation process on the proposals for the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Regulations 2021.
Proposals for a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025 Action Plan
Publication date:Submissions on this consultation are now closed.
Standardised Tobacco Products Packaging Draft Regulations: Summary of Submissions
Publication date:This publication summarises the submissions received on the consultation document Standardised Tobacco Products Packaging Draft Regulations, which was released for public consultation between May and July 2016
Guidelines for Implementing the Prohibition on the Display of Tobacco Products
Publication date:These guidelines provide information to sellers of tobacco products to ensure that they understand the new obligations placed on them when the prohibition on tobacco displays comes into force on 23 July 2012.