Targeted Engagement on Funded Family Care and Paid Family Care
Publication date:This report summarises the views from families and care organisations on options to improve Funded Family Care.
The Disability Respite Market
Publication date:This publication outlines the characteristics of the disability respite market in each region and gives information for providers on areas of expected demand for new respite options.
Where I Live; How I Live – Disability Support Services Community Residential Support Services Strategy 2018 to 2020
Publication date:The Ministry of Health’s community residential strategy, Where I live; How I Live, guides disability support services to deliver good quality care and living options for people with a disability
Transforming Respite: Disability Support Services Respite Strategy 2017 to 2022
Publication date:The Ministry of Health’s disability respite strategy, Transforming Respite, will make it easier for carers of disabled people to have a break from their caring responsibilities.
Disability Respite Survey 2016
Publication date:This report presents the findings the Disability Support Services surveys that informed the development of a Disability Respite Strategy.
Transforming Respite: Disability Support Services Draft Respite Strategy 2017–2022
Publication date:The Ministry of Health is engaging with the disability sector on a draft Respite Strategy to improve the way we support families to continue caring for disabled family members in their homes.
The Prevention and Management of Abuse: Guide for Services funded by Disability Support Services
Publication date:This guide outlines how providers can ensure that both staff and disabled people understand people’s right to be safe from abuse, to recognise signs that may indicate abuse and ensure that where abuse occurs, the person is supported and incidents are reported.
Feedback from people living in Ministry of Health funded residential services for people with disabilities
Publication date:This publication reports on the Ministry’s first survey of people with disabilities living in Ministry-funded residential services
Demographic Report on Clients Allocated the Ministry of Health’s Disability Support Services as at September 2014
Publication date:This publication presents aggregated demographic information about the people with disabilities who have been allocated Ministry of Health funded disability supports. The report presents demographics that relate to specific service types, for example, respite, residential, and specific disability types, for example, physical, intellectual, autism spectrum disorder.
Demonstrating changes to disability support: Synthesis of evaluation findings 2012—2014
Publication date:This report provides an independent synthesis of the evaluation findings of the Demonstration of the New Model for Supporting Disabled People (the New Model) undertaken between 2012 and 2014
Evaluation of Funded Family Care
Publication date:This publication is an independent evaluation of the implementation of the Funded Family Care scheme in its first year.
Demonstrating Changes to Disability Support: Evaluation Report
Publication date:This report is an independent evaluation of the demonstration of changes to disability support, covering the new supports of: Local Area Coordination, Enhanced Individualised Funding, Choice in Community Living, and Supported Self Assessment as a new approach to collecting information from disabled people and whānau.
Evaluation of the Implementation of Choice in Community Living: Phase One 2013
Publication date:This report is an independent evaluation of the first 12 months of the Choice in Community Living demonstration in the Auckland and Waikato regions, New Zealand.
Evaluation of Local Area Coordination
Publication date:This report provides an independent evaluation of Local Area Coordination in the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, for the Ministry of Health.
Guidelines for Cultural Assessment: Māori
Publication date:This guide enables the safety and skill development of Māori subject to the Intellectual Disability (Compulsory Care and Rehabilitation) Act 2003.