Pacific Islands Families Study: Young Adult Gambling Behaviours and Associated Risk Factors
Publication date:In 2000, a cohort of 1,398 Pacific infants, born in South Auckland, was recruited into the Pacific Islands Families (PIF) longitudinal study. In this study, the PIF cohort, aged 22 years, was surveyed about their gambling behaviours.
Enhancing support provided to family and affected others in New Zealand gambling services: An exploratory mixed methods study
Publication date:This research was conducted to explore existing knowledge of quality and effective support for family members and affected others (FAO) who are harmed by someone else’s gambling and to suggest opportunities for enhancing the support that is currently provided for FAOs by preventing and minimising gambling harm services in New Zealand
Life Course and Legacy Gambling Harms in New Zealand
Publication date:This research explored the full impacts of gambling harm using novel methods that explicitly capture legacy, life course, and intergenerational gambling harm
Effectiveness of face-to-face gambling interventions: Two years later
Publication date:This study is the 24-month follow up of the initial trial to investigate the longer-term outcome of two interventions
Effectiveness of face-to-face gambling interventions: A randomised controlled trial
Publication date:The purpose of the randomised controlled trial (RCT) was to assess the relative effectiveness of two interventions. The trial was set within a community-based national face-to-face gambling treatment service in New Zealand over a 12-month period.
Peer worker roles for the Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm sector – Literature Review
Publication date:This literature review collated national and international literature about peer worker roles, services, and workforce development for gambling harm services to provide advice on sustainable workforce development activities.
Pasifika Youth Online Gaming and Gambling Research: Are online video games a gateway to problem gambling among Pasifika youth?
Publication date:This research aimed to understand the experiences of Pasifika youth (age 16-30) gamers and whether there is a relationship between gaming and gambling.
Gamgard Evaluation
Publication date:This evaluation provides an industry independent assessment of Gamgard (Gambling Assessment Measure - Guidance about Responsible Design) in the New Zealand context to inform the Ministry about the utility of the Gamgard product for supporting regulatory decisions about gambling harm minimisation
Literature Review of the provision and effectiveness of residential programmes for gambling harm treatment
Publication date:This literature review provides a systematic review of information about the provision and effectiveness of residential programmes for gambling harm treatment in New Zealand and overseas.
New Zealand National Gambling Study: Correspondence between changes in gambling and gambling risk levels and health, quality of life, and health and social inequities
Publication date:This study provides a statistical analysis of the four data collection years (2012 to 2015) of the National Gambling Study in order to assess how changes in gambling risk levels are associated with changes over time in health, wellbeing, disability, deprivation and social connectedness
Capping Gambling in NZ: The effectiveness of local government policy interventions
Publication date:An analysis of the impact of territorial authority electronic gaming machine (class 4) policy on gambling harm in New Zealand.
National Gambling Study Data Explorer
Publication date:The Gambling Data Explorer is an interactive tool for exploring data from the New Zealand National Gambling Study. It presents gambling participation and harm results by gender, age and ethnic group
A mixed methods analysis of gambling harm for women in New Zealand
Publication date:Using a mixed methods approach and informed by data collected through the National Gambling Study (NGS), this study by AUT-GARC enabled a multifaceted exploration of the context, issues and factors influencing women’s gambling related harm in New Zealand and suggests pathways for harm reduction.
Comparing an Additional High-Risk Gambler Cohort with National Gambling Study High-Risk Gamblers
Publication date:The purpose of this New Zealand National Gambling Study (NGS) was to see whether a newly recruited group of moderate-risk and problem gamblers would be similar in behaviour and health to the moderate-risk and problem group in the NGS.
New Zealand National Gambling Study: Wave 4 (2015)
Publication date:The New Zealand National Gambling Study (NGS) is a nationally representative longitudinal cohort survey. This type of survey re-interviews the same participants over time. Participants were interviewed in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. This report presents the results from the 2015 survey.