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About the Women's Health Strategy
Our vision is pae ora (healthy futures) for women. All women will live longer in good health, have improved wellbeing and quality of life, and be part of healthy, and resilient whānau and communities, within healthy environments that sustain their health and wellbeing.
This is the first time that Aotearoa New Zealand has had a Women’s Health Strategy. It sets long-term priorities which will guide the health system progress towards equity and healthy futures for women.
There will be equitable health outcomes for wāhine Māori, which is a commitment under Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
There will also be equity of health outcomes between men and women, and between all groups of women.
Why a Women’s Health Strategy?
Women play a critical role in the social, economic, and political landscape of Aotearoa New Zealand. Supporting women’s health and wellbeing has impacts across generations and benefits whānau and communities.
Health outcomes continue to improve for many women in Aotearoa New Zealand. Better access to primary care and better integration between primary and secondary care contributes to this. Women spend more years in poor health than men however, and women continue to experience gender bias and discrimination in the health system.
Developing a Women’s Health Strategy recognises the strength of women and of their whānau and communities. This strategy is a step towards supporting the health and wellbeing of all women in Aotearoa New Zealand by ensuring that they can be heard, have choices, and live longer and heathier lives.
Four priorities
Four strategic priorities set a clear direction on the changes needed in the next 10 years to move towards achieving the goals and ensuring our health system is fairer, stronger, more sustainable, and responsive to women. Priority 1 sets out overarching system change for women, with priorities 2–4 focusing on specific areas of women’s health and wellbeing.
- Priority 1: A health system that works for women
- Priority 2: Improving health care for issues specific to women
- Priority 3: Better outcomes for mothers, whānau and future generations
- Priority 4: Living well and ageing well.
These priorities were informed by our evidence base, including what we heard from women and their whānau, organisations that represent women, and those working in the health sector.
Read the Women's Health Strategy