Annual Update of Key Results 2023/24: New Zealand Health Survey
Publication date:The Annual Data Explorer presents results from the 2023/24 New Zealand Health Survey, with comparisons to earlier surveys where possible.
Provisional Health of Disabled People Strategy
Publication date:The Health of Disabled People Strategy sets the direction and long-term priorities for the new health system to move towards achieving equity in disabled people’s health and wellbeing outcomes over the next 10 years.
COVID-19 Risk Among Disabled People
Publication date:This report is a recent analysis undertaken by the Public Health Agency, Manatū Hauora regarding burden of COVID-19 disease in the disabled population who receive Disability Support Services (DSS).
Demographic Report of Disabled People Accessing Manatū Hauora (the Ministry of Health) Disability Support Services
Publication date:This report provides information about disabled people who access a range of disability support services funded by the Ministry of Health in the financial year from 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020 (2019/20) and five-year trends back to 2015/16.
Data and Information Strategy for Health and Disability: Roadmap 2021-2024
Publication date:This roadmap accompanies the Data and Information Strategy for Health and Disability and identifies the key actions to be taken in each priority area within the next two years.
Data and Information Strategy for Health and Disability
Publication date:The Ministry of Health has developed a Data and Information Strategy for Health and Disability to set clear priorities for the sector on how to improve the ways we manage, use and share health and disability data and information.
Demographic Report for Clients Allocated the Ministry of Health’s Disability Support Services: 2018 update
Publication date:This publication presents aggregated demographic information about the people with disabilities who were allocated Ministry of Health funded disability supports in 2018.
Achieving Equity in Health Outcomes – Summary of a discovery process
Publication date:This report identifies where practical and coordinated effort could be undertaken to achieve a measurable shift in health equity in the next three to five years
Faiva Ora 2016–2021 National Pasifika Disability Plan
Publication date:Faiva Ora 2016–2021 sets out priority outcomes and actions to support and improve the lives of Pacific disabled people of all ages and their families.
Demographic Report on Clients Allocated the Ministry of Health’s Disability Support Services as at September 2016
Publication date:This publication looks at people with disabilities who have been allocated Ministry of Health funded disability supports. It presents demographics relating to specific service types including respite, residential, and relating to specific disability types including physical, intellectual, and autism spectrum disorder.
Summary of Submissions on Transforming Respite: Disability Support Services Draft Respite Strategy 2017-2022
Publication date:This publication presents our analysis of the messages we received from the disability sector about the draft disability respite strategy, Transforming Respite.
Living with Low Vision
Publication date:This publication has information about managing daily tasks, help and rehabilitation, and where to go for help for people who have low vision.
A Guide to Community Engagement with People with Disabilities
Publication date:This guide offers practical advice about consulting with people with disabilities and reducing barriers to their full participation in the consultation process.
Disability Information and Advisory Services and Needs Assessment and Service Coordination Review – A Proposed Design and Framework
Publication date:This is the final conclusion and recommendation paper in the independent review of the framework for DIAS and NASC for disability support services.
Feedback from people living in Ministry of Health funded residential services for people with disabilities
Publication date:This publication reports on the Ministry’s first survey of people with disabilities living in Ministry-funded residential services