COVID-19 update 15 November 2021 4pm

News article

15 November 2021

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will give a post-cabinet announcement today at 4pm. The Prime Minister will be joined by Director-General of Health Dr Ashley Bloomfield.

>> kia ora koutou.

 Before I start, a quick overview. Today I will set out to decisions Has made around in COVID alert level settings and booster vaccines.

 On Wednesday, we will announce the date for greater movement at the Auckland boundary. That same day, schools in Auckland reopen.

This week we will also release details on how to obtain your vaccine certificate in preparation for the move to the COVID-19 protection framework.

 Next Monday we will remove restriction settings for Auckland.

 Today, we have a review of settings in Waikato as part of which moved into level XXXVI weeks ago. Since that time, there's been 239 cases. The people of the Waikato have helped to keep those numbers low and restricted to mostly within households, which is as we know, one of the top spots for Delta spread.

The people of the Waikato got tested and the region has the second highest rate in the country. Most importantly, they got vaccinated to keep it ever safe. At just 3893 doses away from me reaching the milestone of 90% first doses.

Overall, since the early stages of lockdown for the Waikato, over time we taken a stepped approach to easing restrictions. That has not thrown up any unexpected spread. Wastewater testing has shown a low likelihood of wider community transmission. In short, the people of Waikato have contained an outbreak that could have moved much more widely throughout the region.

So today, cabinet agreed on the advice of the director-general of health, to move Waikato to alert level to tomorrow, Tuesday, 16 November at 11:59 PM.

 A reminder that level II, you can go to work, back to hospitality, schools are open and events can go ahead. Sports can resume. Those health measures of distancing, masks and scanning remain paramount. Any cold or flu tip type symptoms, get a test please.

 Making this decision today, cabinet was clear that it is a temporary one. In fact, that is true for all of New Zealand. As we've said, we're keen to move very soon into the new COVID-19 protection framework. The reason for that is because it is designed for scenarios where COVID is in the community much more so than the alert level system, which we created when there were no vaccines and no way to safely combine of the Celts restriction with cases.

 In some ways, the COVID-19 protection framework provides more safety than even level II of the alert level system. For example, currently in a region at level II, everyone can go to hospitality setting, vaccinated or not. With the level II key restriction of a maximum of 100 people seated and separated.

At red and orange on the new framework you will need to be vaccinated which adds an extra layer of protection. Cabinet discussed this today in light of the fact that we are seeing more cases pop-up on the Auckland border. While we will lift decisions on when we lift November November 19 check-in, we are seeking expert advice and the advantage of the country moving into the COVID protection framework early. I come now to boosters. The eligible relation now at 90% first dose in 81% fully vaccinated, we are one of the most vaccinated countries in the wealth of the wind it ahead of the pack by rolling out boosters. Boosters are belt and braces approach.

 Lifelong protection from vaccines is not always possible and we see that in the likes of tetanus boosters. The sciences shown that providing a booster six month after the primary cause essentially tops up immunity levels back up to the mid-90% mark, reducing the risk of severe disease and therefore, the burden on our hospitals. They also help to protect against any future variance by boosting an individual's overall mood response?

Overall immune response that is not to say that the vaccine becomes ineffective after six months, but boosters keep it at the top of its cables up last week the COVID vaccine provided by Pfizer as a visitor 18 years and over with a minimum six month interval between a second dose and bitter dose.

Today will announce a booster that a nation program with doses being administered from 29 November. The rollout of boosters will be simple. Basically, anyone who is simply -- fully vaccinated six months or more ago can get a booster.

Our focus will be on encouraging those most at risk of COVID, including health workers, border workers and our Maori and Pacific communities. We'll also be looking at people including in residential care having access to booster doses when they become eligible.

While most other countries are rationing boosters to certain segments of the population, we have made the decision to make Roosters available to everyone, six months after their primary vaccine course. Most of which will naturally happen in 2022. That ensures simplicity and equity.

There are currently 144,000 people in New Zealand who have been vaccinated for six months. 455,847 in total will be eligible for a booster by the end of the year.

 Reminder, you don't need to rush to get this done to stop if you are vaccinated you are still very well protected from being infected or seriously ill. Isa protection ranges from 85 to 93% on its effectiveness against severe disease or isolation is for 80% plus.

 Last month we secured on a 4.7 million doses of Pfizer for 2022. We also recently approved the use of AstraZeneca for those unable to have Pfizer. The supplies are enough to ensure eligibility can extend to five to 11-year-old or we have a surge of people getting vaccinated. These decisions, we continued a move forward in our plan.

This week you will see a progression of government decisions that propel us forward further still. When COVID reached New Zealand almost 2 months ago, our goal was simple. Cases to zero by staying at home. And we did. We avoided the worst of COVID, the death tolls and the economic difficulties experienced by so many others.

No country has escaped the altar altogether, nor would we. But we bought time keeping some restrictions in play as we accelerate a vaccination. This has worked, even now with the highest cases we've seen to date in New Zealand, we still have the third lowest cases in the world. For example, in the past we're seven-day rolling cases per million to 31 per day as opposed to 34 in Australia and nearly 500 in the UK. As we transition, there will be different views but we are moving to the same place. One where we are all safer still because of vaccination. Where our businesses are guaranteed remain open and jobs are filled and one where we have huge opportunities ahead, whether that seeing loved ones that we haven't seen for some time in Auckland, or travelling overseas, or just getting out and about safely.

For now, I'm happy to take your questions.

>> Why have you gone straight to level II, rather than going to the final step of the phased moved?

>> It based on public health device I'll start with the Bloomfield.

>> Two things there is that the team was clear in their advice to me late last week and also over the weekend in looking at the updates on cases that it was appropriate for Waikato to move down a level. They then looked at the option of either three, three or level II when it was more simple and consistent with the rest of the country to move directly to alert level to, so that was the advice we put through. Speak the advice were receiving from the public health teams on the ground is that you will predominantly still see the cases coming through and that it's very different to the wider spread outbreak that we had in Auckland and therefore, confidence around making this decision. One thing I will again emphasise is that this is short-term. As is the alert level systems in New Zealand generally. We will very shortly be moving into our new framework which marks at changed strategy for New Zealand in our ongoing campaign against COVID-19. A new framework, which means greater certainty for business but in many ways greater protection for New Zealanders.

>> Upon the framework, will you stick to the criteria you outline when you announced? Speak Mac there is a strong view coming through from the Ministry of health that we should consider moving to the protection framework earlier, because it provides greater protection for New Zealanders than we even see with the current alert level system. So that is something we are now going out to our experts on to seek their views, keeping in mind that we set that high vaccination rate target and that has served us well. Many DHB is already hitting that 90% first doses, so there is the opportunity for us to get the best of both worlds. High vaccine rates but the protection of the new framework.

>> I'll finish with Jenna and then I will come over because you had your question and then come down the back.

>> So in the same vein, will be Auckland border remain in place until the rest of the country ...

>> The announcement on the way the border will operate and from when we will come to on Wednesday.

>> So the elimination will be over outside of Auckland as well?

>> You will see is take the same approach of extinguishing cases where we can, why wouldn't we when we have the ability to do that? And we do. We are sourcing cases that are connected that we can determine where they have come from. I want to be very clear on that we will continue to contact race, have people isolate, exactly what we've done before. For what you are seeing is a change in our approach. So when you see those cases, previously we may have immediately moved into lockdowns, much more so we're moving towards contact racing as a way of dealing with those cases.

>> Prime Minister, the advantage we now have of course is the high and increasing vaccination rates so they are providing cover that the alert level, the higher alert levels have previously provided.

>> On mandate, would you consider regular testing ?

>> Anywhere or just generally?

>> Under the traffic light system.

>> That's not our advice at the moment. Because it's quite clear that vaccination plays two important roles, first in reducing the likelihood someone will be infected in the first case and secondly, greatly reducing the likelihood they will get very unwell and die. That's material and testing can't do either of those things. We have been cautious in the way we have applied mandates. In schools, it is New Zealanders who cannot be vaccinated and we have seen from overseas experience the impact of cases in this unvaccinated environments. The second - healthcare workers so we can protect our most vulnerable and unwell and if we have high-risk environments where we are using vaccine certificates, it is not unreasonable to expect the workforce will be vaccinated. We have been careful about where we have used them.

>> This morning it talked about lower vaccination areas (inaudible) work being somehow isolated. How could that possibly happen? You have the Lake District, for example, people have to drive through.

>> What you might have had me raise is this very point. Some put to us the idea of reversing boundaries, selecting Auckland and instead putting boundaries around other areas. The fact is we have to take into account are, A, as we saw with Waikato, there are parts with -- where it is not feasible, too many entry and exit points and a number of examples across the country. Secondly, if you work in that way you will have more than Aucklanders caught up in those checks. These are all questions we have needed to work through and on Wednesday we will talk in a bit more detail around where we have landed to both try and create a level of protection but also allowing New Zealanders to move over summer.

>> About Auckland, you said when you visited there that you saw people in the hospitality industry on a casual basis. Was it the people that crave (inaudible)?

>> Because it was informal. I'm low to savers anyone speaking on behalf of industry. That would be unfair. In future I will look to do something more formal with members of the sector, and as I've always said, though, it is a bit rough to imply anyone can speak on behalf of the sector generally, so I won't put anyone in that position.

>> Can you say who you met with? Share bin it was not a meeting and I never framed it in that way. --

>> One more question on that.

>> I will give you one more.

>> Why did you decline to meet with Michael Barnett from the chamber of commerce?

>> Because he had... A, I visited a workplace where we asked the EMA to T that out, we had EMA representatives and the Chamber of Commerce had only met 48 or 72 hours with Minister Robertson and this was my only visit so my intention is to catch up with the Chamber I believe on Wednesday afternoon. I will come across here to you. And then Jason to you. Sorry, I should... (inaudible) to be clear. (Laughs) Ma?

>> On the vaccine certificates, the Ministry of Health website says he will need to provide six forms of ID to get one. There are New Zealand and Australian forms of ID. What about people who don't have those?

>> I wouldn't want to list them all off the top of my head but they are fairly general, so for instance, a certificate, drivers license, passport, so certainly the Ministry of Health have tried to make sure they balance the fact that you will need to demonstrate you after you are because this is obviously something where we are trying to make sure we don't have any fraudulent behaviour with the fact not everyone would have something like a passport or drivers licence. We are working for someone to access the vaccine certificate without having to use the web- based forms, so the ability to use in-person ways to access the certificate in case there are issues with people's access to online tools.

>> Can you guarantee that those ways will be set up at a time the traffic light system starts?

>> One thing I discussed was ensuring face-to-face options were ready to go prior to us moving into the framework and that is the assurance I have been given. I've also given it a test run myself including with a few family members who have varying degrees of ongoing experience with online forms and I can report back it went really smoothly. My parents will be very disappointed I exposed them.

>> If you have already made decisions about Auckland's boundaries and the reopening and traffic lights, why are you waiting to announce...?

>> As is the case with many cabinet decisions we have to make decisions that are ready to be operationalised. Sometimes we will not take every recommendation put to us and we need to make sure from an operational perspective it is what we have decided that can be implemented. It is not uncommon for us to give ourselves above her because we make decisions in real time.

>> In terms of the spread of cases around New Zealand are there any areas in particular way there are cases that you are more concerned about than others and what will it take for any restrictions to be put in place for other regions where it is being -- has been popping up?

>> Even in recent days, still a very clear link a very strong suggestion around what has happened that has allowed these cases or occurred in order for these cases to have emerged. So, at this stage, again, still linking is a fairly strong indication we have not got widespread outbreaks. The one thing I would say, though, is that we do know that we will see cases in other parts of the country and what is important is we have that level of preparedness with good vaccine uptake, with ongoing testing and in the community and just that confidence that the framework we have got to try and reduce down spread is the right one as well. Dr Bloomfield?

>> One extra comment. So far these cases have been able to be isolated, identified and we are not seeing widespread... In fact, the area we are most thoughtful about is the (unknown term) and Masterton. Even though no cases yet reported, one of the people from Taupo had gathered there. They are doing an excellent job of getting those people tested and there were 30 people at that gathering who were tested and vaccinated yesterday, which is good, but probably one we want to keep an eye on but there is nothing and a team leader assessment yesterday and there is nothing about advice around alert levels.

>> You've already said you have a strong view from the Ministry of Health to me to the traffic light early but you are seeking advice. Who are you speaking to in terms of leaders or experts or groups and what are you basing that advice on? Is it just vaccination rates?

>> I strongly agree with the view of the director general and the Ministry of Health that the new COVID protection framework is actually better suited for the future that New Zealand is moving into. It is designed to give greater protections and a vaccinated environment than we actually have with the current framework, so that is part of our future. We have said we want high vaccination rates to move into it, so what we are doing is essentially talking to some of those individuals who have helped and informed our response thus far around some of our clients to move into that, perhaps sooner than some of those targets might have suggested.

>> Reassurance around speaking to Maori leaders?

>> Yes. You know even in designing the COVID protection framework we have these conversations in setting some targets also and so yes, I expect that will be part of the conversations we have.

>> On Kiwi Rail, what you know around the concerns on the culture?

>> I have seen some reporting. I have not been officially brief. I would expect the Kiwi Rail would deal with any concerns around any employment matters in an appropriate way and it should be managed at an operational level including by the board.

>> (Inaudible) government has been made aware of concerns around CEO Greg Miller (inaudible)?

>> The most appropriate place for these issues to be dealt with would be by the workplace and the management team including by the board. I have an expectation... Whether or not it is a private sector or crown interdict, let our workplaces be a place that it concerns exist, they can be addressed in an appropriate way. That is my expectation across the board.

>> (Multiple speakers)

>> I bounce Jason twice. Jason has been very generous.

>> The new system, it does create two types of New Zealand citizen. The vaccinated and the unvaccinated. Are you happy with that?

>> I wouldn't define it in that way. Actually, what I said - there are things that vaccinated individuals will be able to do and in some environs -- environments, unvaccinated people may not be able to engage. But actually New Zealand is not alone in having set up a framework like this. Because the alternative is that we actually have more restrictions for everyone and actually when we have vaccines available to us, why wouldn't you use them as a way to keep everyone safe?

>> Jason, I don't know if I should reward you. I will go to Henry and you can wait a little longer. Jason?

>> On the timing of this movement into the new traffic light system, you gave a strong indication you were looking to do that on the 29th. The only cabinet meeting...

>> We have already (inaudible) been making decisions on the 29th.

>> The education you might go early is that (inaudible)? -- the indication. Decisions would be made on the 29th?

>> Correct. Happy to clarify.

>> Do you have advice that the framework works better (inaudible)?

>> Look, for the situation that we find the rest of the country keeping in mind Auckland has very specific circumstances. We have an existing outbreak, want to make sure when we move into situation where everything reopens which is what happens within red, everything reopens, but with protections in place. We want to be in the best possible position because there is an existing out making sure you have high vaccination levels as part of that.

>> On the redness, you have indicated that (inaudible) regions (inaudible) traffic light system. Will the rest of the country go on Amber? You talk about how those will happen? If you are (inaudible) a festival (inaudible) then the difference between Amber and red is basically (inaudible).

>> It will be based on public health guidance and we expect to receive it on decision always scheduled for 29 November. What indicating it is is the ministry of health have said moving sooner rather than later could be advisable. We are seeking advice. For events we accept this is an uncertain period and hence we have created a transition support scheme so they have a bits of -- of support to push our decision-making so they can make decisions about if they go ahead closer to the time. I will come to you.

>> Dr Bloomfield, on the COVID protection framework and the (inaudible) provides more protection and certainty, how long have you been given that advice for? Has that advice been restricted by the fact that vaccine certificates have not been (inaudible)?

>> No, and recently.

>> This was a discussion we had yesterday as we convene to the public health risk assessment for those areas outside of Auckland and Waikato because the cases... Of the cases that popped up and had a discussion with colleagues in what is called the National Response Leadership Team convened by Brooke Barrington and we talked about the fact that actually with these cases popping up in other parts of the country and alert level II, there is a lot of activity and interaction between people vaccinated and unvaccinated in these sorts of places where you could get quite reasonable outbreaks and transmission, whereas in the new framework, vaccination certification or vaccination passes provide an opportunity for much greater protection. That is where we first floated the idea actually it would be better to move the country into the new framework because it has a higher level of protection and I just discussed that just this morning when we had our regular morning meeting with ministers.

>> (Inaudible) outline in terms of the activity and we are seeing cases throughout the country where you are going to have vaccinated and unvaccinated within regions (inaudible) within CHP is so I guess the counter to that is (inaudible) and the COVID protection framework (inaudible) protection are you concerned (inaudible) alert level (inaudible) decision will be made?

>> We are not concerned because we have this high and increasing rates of vaccination. Second our teams are geared up around counts contact tracing, testing and so on and the third - and you pointed this out - the new framework requires vaccination passes to enable it and that work is on track at, has been expedited and people will see these were given the opportunity to get one's actual pass will open up and then the only other bit, the other part of it, which is enabling premises to be able to read those certificates is just about in place.

>> Keeping in mind level II is limiting the number of people in retail spaces, in public hospitality spaces, making sure they are seated and separated so there are a number of public health measures. The indication we have had is going forward, though, this framework offers something new again. The issue is not just of course the ability to present a certificate, which, as we say, the details of how to get your certificate ready to go will be ready to go this week. We also have to make sure enough of the population have got up to that double dose standard because otherwise you would have businesses saying it is not fair to operate a system where enough of the population are eligible to be part of it is that impinges on the ability of businesses to operate so that factor as well. Otherwise they operate a 

>> as I said, my certificate and everyone will have the ability to download this idiot the quicker mass of people that use them otherwise it becomes a hindrance for business.

>> I have a covert question and a non-covert question. On isolation which you become a more popularly for housing people with COVID-19 for supper some confusion around the expectation of the clinical oversight that COVID-19 should have. What is your expectation? Do they need to have conversations with doctors and nurses rather than other health professionals?

>> What is absolutely critical is that we have a good understanding of someone's medical history and potential risks that COVID-19 may present for that individual. So that clinical assessment does need to have an early on. That conversation with an individual does need to happen early and yes, that is a shared expectation. That is of course part of the system as we speak. It doesn't mean the daily check ins will be done by a clinician, even though helpline has clinician available but that initial assessment is really critical. There is certainly room for that to be improved. We've seen some examples, obviously, that I don't want to cast judgement also on what is happening all of those cases because we do have the coroner involved in those cases as well.

>> And on the non-covert issue, the Prime Minister in Australia and mentioned a pathway to citizenship and said that New Zealand could present what an incremental pathway look like. Speaking about a pathway there they said what can present what an incremental and regressive pathway with the. So what is that those to Australia?

>> We have always said and that we are concerned that Australians who relocate to Australia have difficulty on their pathway to citizenship in the past. Speak Mac so no new proposal?

>> Our ongoing call for New Zealanders and their contribution to Australia to be recognised.

>> Prime Minister, some public service employees including a number of health staff are supposed to get their first jab by today. If they refuse, I've spoken to the agency today and they can be redeployed and if they can't be redeployed ...

>> I'm not sure I can speak to this because I'm not sure this is included in our mandate.

>> Their response to us today was that several staff members are required to be activated on their role and those who chosen not to be vaccinated can be asked ...

>> I'll let Doc to Bloomfield. Speak Mac they've been told that they refuse to be vaccinated and will meet with their manager to discuss next steps and then will be redeployed or put on paid special leave for up to a month was up I'm wondering how much money taxpayers should be prepared to fork out.

>> Let's clarify the scope of that applies to. You don't have it general mandate.

>> It would apply to and people in my organisation as well, because on the health side captures people who might interact with on a reasonably regular basis, people who are providing care to others. You can imagine that they will have social workers who might not just be interacting with but the in clinical settings and likewise, a number of people in my ministry of health who are often out in the sector and the system and in clinical settings. So they are captured the order. Like other public agencies, many of these were already captured under the border worker testing and there is a process they will go through to have a conversation. Redeployment and it is an opportunity for redeployment.

>> How much will we fork out for paid special leave? Speak Mac I don't imagine this would be widespread so before I give any commentary on if it is indeed affecting the taxpayer I'd like to go away and see the size of the issue. What we found our mandate experiences that I am large, once mandate are in place and an employee and employer works through it, the most part individuals are successfully redeployed or make a choice to be vaccinated.

>> For the mandates coming into force for the health and education sectors from tomorrow, could you give us a picture or run down of how many staff may not be turning up to work tomorrow and how sectors are planning to cope?

>> I could briefly speak to education and perhaps talk to Bloomfield could speak to hell. As far as the Ministry of education, no schools have been unable to be open to learning as a result of the vaccination mandate for that there are currently, we are advised, only 11 schools of the 2500 that are indicating that they have a high risk of staffing issues. That's affecting about 0.2% of students at the moment. The Ministry of education is working closely with schools who fall into that category to support them. Received overall, for exemption applications and these are being assessed by the Minister and ministry currently. Spectacular where those schools are? Are they small and regional? See? Unfortunately I can't. I'm sure making those decisions that the Minister could speak in a little bit more detail. And there's been a few transport services disrupted but I think that we've got that number, just for completeness. We got that number down quite low. I think it was 19 this morning and it might be lower still that are disrupted and that's the number of bus routes.

>> So on the health side, we've been working very closely with district health boards and other providers during the last week to identify any particular issues. As of 5:seriously we had 68 applications for exams and under the significant service disruption category. Just one of those as of yesterday, but I approved another one which is related to a large provider that has been given a short extension because there exemption covered a number of people and they provided the information for the group but that information need to be provided for each individual. So it's the only one it's been approved and I've just signed off a number of others that haven't been approved and then around 50 exemptions under the medical exemption, which is not just workforce related but broader. And I don't have an update on the number approved but they will be coming through to me, the ones that have been recommended. I should say that it will be a very small number of those that genuinely qualify for a medical exemption from being vaccinated. But that's more broad. For some it's for employment and for others it's for exemption from having to have their certification.

>> On the hospital, (unknown term) hospital has raw sewage running down... Speak Mac it's certainly the case that we have rightly invested billions into our health infrastructure. Not only with rebuild programs but remedial programs. When we first came into office, you will remember that at middle more had significant issues. So certainly we put in the spend required to do that remedial work because we know there has been underinvestment in our hospitals over a long period of time. I can't speak to the specifics but perhaps talk to Bloomfield's familiar with some of the specifics. I know that we working with the team around the ongoing health care.

>> When we first came in that there was that issue and we worked very quickly to fix those issues and likewise we look to do the same anywhere. It's just not acceptable.

>> Just that there is no doubt that the hospital you're talking about need some remedial work and that's a particular problem they got there which is a concern. It's not, my thing patient care, however, there is a need for a significant building program and that is something that is being actively considered.

>> Beyond the 120 million, what other resources and help is going to isolated communities to prepare them for when the traffic lights turn on and people start arriving.

>> Keeping in mind that we have that system providing greater system. It's a version of vaccine to bigots with vaccinia over the top. That's life course we are considering when the country needs to move into it to provide those protections for the community. Speak like a lot of those areas, it's not like these places you need to sign in to access a pub or something.

>> But those areas where they do, we want those protections to be in place. Keep in mind as well that this provides extra tools to churches and others to also put in extra measures that they can determine to keep their spaces safe as well. Speak act of Bloomfield, we just got a bit messy there for a while, so is this what we're going to see where there's a Marie Health Authority put in place and still has to go to the middle of this? Ministry of health for data and assistance, we sing what is probably going to happen later on down the track?

>> On the datasharing that is now happening with the collective, and which had already happened before there was any court action, there's been discussions in Auckland and Hamilton last week, and we're now going to other parts of the country. There is an agreement to share data with the collective and its providers. More data on people that are all unvaccinated. I'm pleased to say that progressing well. We're in the process of establishing a shared arrangement of governance overnight Ro oversight of data between ourselves and the interim health NZ and the interim Health Authority. We had a chat about that on Friday so we will be getting a joint government arrangement. I'm confident that will help is cut through on the use of data.

>> When will bookings open for booster shots?

>> My recollection is that it's 25 November that people will be able to use the booking system and that's a nice reminder because we are asking people to use the booking system for their booster dose and to preserve the walk-in capacity for the people who are still having first and second doses. That will also help manage volumes and make sure we have vaccine in the right places. So 25 November and in starting vaccination from the 29th. Speak Mac 26. Very close. Amelia, I will come to you and then Bernard.

>> Just back on the signal that more of New Zealand could move into the traffic light system sooner, is your expectation that in the traffic light system there is no hard domestic border but is there an expectation that Auckland will perhaps be read and the rest of the country orange and a transition period where the border will remain for a period? Or will the whole country go into the traffic light system and that is it for the domestic border?

>> Be able to provide your lot more clarity with this on Wednesday and that's the point when will be making decisions on when and I'll be announcing the changes of when the Auckland boundary will change. Of course, as you can imagine alongside that, we can go about more detail for the rest of the country as well.

>> People who have seen their partners? Haven't seen their partners and children for months now is there any indication? Speak Mac as we've said, before Christmas. As I've said ...

>> It will be three weeks speak Mac naturally there will be a rafter questions go beyond date and around the operational management of any decisions we make. I want to make sure that we can answer them in full so on Wednesday we will be sharing all of the detail around what our intention is, dates, how it will be operationalised and just its effects generally across the country. We want people to be able to move around the country over summer at before Christmas and we also want to make sure we are doing that as safely as possible. I did say I would come to you, Bernard.

>> Could you flesh out what has changed to allow the Ministry of Health and the government to think about bringing the other DHBs particularly those with lower double vaccination rates in earlier than the 90%? I'm trying to understand what has changed between...

>> Just last week you would have heard me saying... The COVID protection framework has been designed for the next stage of our strategy on COVID-19 and that is a strategy involving vaccinations being key and greater certainty for business and communities around the use of things like lockdown. We consulted with experts and advisers around the point of introduction, and a strong view was to drive for as high vaccination rate as possible but what we also have to factor in SF we are seeing the beginning of cases, not the beginning of outbreaks, but the beginning of cases outside of Auckland, what gives us the greatest protection? It is clear the protection framework does that so that is why we are going to those experts and checking in our -- on where we are now. To be fair, it has always been designed for this moment in time. It is just a question of when you move into it.

>> You set the framework up...

>> I felt like a -- I gave a pretty good outline of what changed in the intervening period.

>> Can we expect any more (inaudible) from the (inaudible) case and the breakdown of today's cases are possible and lost if you could... A bit more on the health workforce mandates. Have those led to disruptions in hospitals or surgeries or anything like that?

>> The case that travelled there, there might be new locations of interest particularly if we find cases there from the testing and a lot of that was done yesterday and there may be some to report as these results come through and that may identify locations of interest so we will keep reporting those. The question you had about hospitalisations today...

>> Can you give a breakdown of today's cases?

>> Yes. We often have that. The Prime Minister may be quicker to the door than I am on that.

>> On health workforce and amended no indication I'm aware of disruptions outside these areas of exemption that Dr Bloomfield has already outlined. And as we say, I think even last Friday we had 95% coverage and I expected to be even higher now. I have (inaudible) been informed of issues of disruption.

>> No specific issues. The breakdown of the cases in the 24 hours to 9:00 this morning, 58% Maori, around 25% Pacific, just under 2% Asian and 14% European or other.

>> Hospitalisations might also be a useful factor.

>> I don't know if we routinely have... I will have to find that.

>> It is on the second page. I will come back over to the cornea. No, sorry, John if I may. -- corner here.

>> (Inaudible) about the data. He says you have prioritised esoteric concerns over the lives of Mari on the Northern Ireland. What is your response? -- Maori.

>> We went through a thorough process and sort that to help facilitate the discussions that informed the decision I made in response to the request from the High Court that we reconsider things and go through a process that was evidence-based and took into account treaty issues so I'm confident that we took into account more than just esoteric issues and reached a balanced conclusion and decision that also opened the door for the discussions that were had last week and that are enabling datasharing taking into account the issues that we were asked to consider.

>> The recession about (inaudible) travelling will be two-way. -- decision.

>> It naturally follows the comings and goings. Yes, absolutely. I can clear that up.

>> On the Waikato decision, given that level II is now so much more permissive than we were used to, no restrictions on gatherings, don't have those 100 limits any more.

>> There are restrictions on gatherings. Level II has restrictions on gatherings. What you are referring to is hospitality.

>> Did you consider the Delta two that we experienced or moving back to the original offer two for the Waikato just put a little more protection around...

>> It was based on the strong view of a public health team on the ground, was that we have the ability to safely move into this alert level change and that was because we are still seeing these cases linked. It is within groups that are not unexpected. We still have and are still managing to contain that outbreak and so the advice from on the ground and from the director general was a comfort at moving to level II but again what I would highlight is we are very close to moving into our new system because we have a new strategy for managing COVID. It uses vaccines at the centre of what we do to keep everyone safe.

>> (Inaudible) meant the Waikato border has dropped?

>> It was never a hard border but we did have restrictions. It was never a hard border, just advice run movements around the country.

>> (Inaudible) sped out of -- spread out of the Waikato, even though you are keeping it traceable, when you open to level II how much consideration was given to the fact it might spread?

>> All part of the decision- making and advice we received.

>> The (inaudible) you work through, who were you consulting are working with to work through that?

>> That is why we requested and got assistance from (unknown term), was to convene discussions with Maori health providers, iwi representatives and other Maori groups to seek views and so there were to who we convened, the week we will asked to reconsider the decisions to work through exactly these issues and so we were pleased to get the support to ensure that process was a robust and appropriate one.

>> To keep in mind in this discussion, it sometimes runs the risk of not including the fact that this data in many cases has been issued directly with Maori providers in the relevant regions. The question has been if that data should also be provided to another agency for all of the Northern Ireland. It just sometimes sound as if no data has been shared which would not be accurate.

>> Was the move more to avoid having a (inaudible) in the future or something?

>> Ultimately we have left it to the Ministry of health to work through the competing views that have existed between different providers here but I would be loathe for there to be a suggestion for a moment that information to enable the vaccine program has not been shared. It has. The question is how widely and to whom? I think we have probably finished the clarification. I will come to you, John.

>> I was wondering about the (inaudible) record. How important would it be in the weeks and months ahead and about the matter member of the public is trying to sign up to that now. He says only Australia and New Zealand (inaudible) identification documents are being accepted. We have about 27 % of the population who don't have access to New Zealand or Australian ID documents. Can you fix that you accept ID documents from people trying to sign up?

>> The reason will be our system is set up to verify, so you can enter that document detail. That enables them behind-the- scenes verification process to be able to demonstrate you are who you are and so our inability to drop into another country's driver's licensing system or birth certification system makes that more difficult but we will need to make sure there are provisions individuals who don't have those documents to access their vaccine certificate.

>> (Inaudible) vaccine passports, not from any foreign country.

>> That will be from our ability to verify someone's details but as I said we of course know we need to make sure that it is accessible for everyone who is needing to use that on a long-term basis. I'm sorry, did you have a second question?

>> The first question was so important. (Inaudible) that website (inaudible)?

>> It will be important. You can already go onto the website as a first step to set up your health record and that makes that second step of getting a certificate much easier, so you will have seen actually a number of people who have already started doing that. Alright. Unless you have something final to add?

>> Two things we can add - hopefully we can add more functionality including people demonstrating the testing results as well so that will be a further step and the other thing was I was asked about the breakdown of the current cases in hospital, ethnicity breakdown is 36 Maori, 26 Pacific people, 24 non-Maori, not Pacific and one the ethnicity is not defined.

>> Thank you, everyone. I'm going to call it, everyone

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