Grey Matter newsletter
Grey Matter is compiled by the Ministry of Health Library and provides access to a selection of the most recent NGO, Think Tank, and International Government reports that are relevant to the health context.
Hauora: Update from the Director-General of Health
Director-General of Health Dr Diana Sarfati provides regular updates on the Ministry of Health’s work programme for those working in, or alongside, our health sector.
Hauora: Update from the Director-General of Health
Hauora Haumi Pānui: Allied Health Update
Subscribe to Hauora Haumi Pānui, the Ministry of Health’s newsletter for the allied health sector.
Hauora Haumi Pānui: Allied Health Update
HealthCERT Bulletin
A quarterly newsletter that provides users and providers of certified health services with updates, research and information to help answer commonly asked questions.
Health Improvement and Innovation Digest
Health Improvement and Innovation Digest shares research that can help drive innovation and quality improvement.
Health Improvement and Innovation Digest
Health research and innovation updates
Updates related to research, evidence, evaluation, analytics and insights from Manatū Hauora.
Health research and innovation updates
Kia Tina: Māori health pānui
Subscribe for updates about what’s happening in the health system to support health outcomes for Māori.
Medicines, medical devices, natural health products update
Subscribe to our email list to receive updates about regulating medicines, medical devices and natural health products.
Medicines, medical devices, natural health products update
Medicinal cannabis updates
Subscribe to receive updates from the Medicinal Cannabis Agency.
Mental Health & Addiction update
The latest information on our work to implement the Government’s response to He Ara Oranga: The report of the Mental Health Inquiry and other priority projects.
Mental Health & Addiction update
New Zealand Health Survey updates
News and releases from the New Zealand Health survey team.
New Zealand Health Survey updates
Nutrition and Physical Activity Knowledge Bulletin
This fortnightly email newsletter has a New Zealand focus and provides links to new research, evaluations, guidance, resources and upcoming events. The content is on the topics of nutrition, physical activity, obesity, sport and recreation in relation to health and wellbeing. Key international literature and guidance from similar jurisdictions is also featured.
Nutrition and Physical Activity Knowledge Bulletin
Prescriber Update
Prescriber Update is written for health care professionals to provide information on safety concerns with medicines and medical devices.
Vaping regulation updates
Subscribe to receive updates about vaping regulation.