Establishing new safe areas under the Contraception, Sterilisation, and Abortion Act 1977

Regulatory Impact Statement (RIS)

Publication Date: 
28 August 2023

Analysis prepared to inform decisions by Cabinet in its consideration to establish safe areas around abortion provider premises as specified in the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.

Some parts of this information release would not be appropriate to release and, if requested, would be withheld under the Official Information Act 1982 (the Act). Where this is the case, the relevant sections of the Act that would apply have been identified. Where information has been withheld, no public interest has been identified that would outweigh the reasons for withholding it.

Key to redaction codes: s9(2)(c): to avoid prejudice to measures protecting the health or safety of members of the public.

Regulatory impact statements

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