About us Mō mātou

About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

Regulation & legislation Ngā here me ngā ture

Health providers and products we regulate, and laws we administer.

Strategies & initiatives He rautaki, he tūmahi hou

How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

Increasing access to health services, achieving equity and improving outcomes for Māori.

Statistics & research He tatauranga, he rangahau

Data and insights from our health surveys, research and monitoring.

The health workforce is an integral part of the health system, no health service can be delivered, no person cared for, no health outcome achieved, without people.

People are our greatest asset and the enabler to improving the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.

Manatū Hauora, Te Whatu Ora, and Te Aka Whai Ora have taken a range of actions to alleviate some of the pressures on health workers in the immediate term. 

Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora have developed the Health Workforce Plan, which outlines the priority initiatives to address current health workforce challenges. 

There is further work to be done to build a sustainable health workforce for the future.

Manatū Hauora has developed a Health Workforce Strategic Framework to guide system settings and ensure New Zealand has a sustainable, representative and responsive health workforce that can meet the future needs of people and whānau. 

This framework was informed by engagement with the health sector in late 2022, which identified key health workforce challenges and opportunities for change.

Health workforce engagement

The first step in this process has been to identify and prioritise the key changes to support health workforce. To support this, Manatū Hauora has utilised a variety of channels to ensure maximum participation from health workers and sector representatives from across Aotearoa. Engagement activities included a one-day in-person event, an online platform, a webinar series and visits to a number of localities across the country.

The issues and ideas captured through these channels helped to identify, prioritise and collectively agree to steps to address the challenges facing the health workforce in the reformed health system.


Manatū Hauora set up an online engagement platform Tātou as a channel for the health workforce to submit ideas around workforce challenges and opportunities. People could discuss, support and challenge ideas that had been submitted. These contributions will help us better understand the issues and identify solutions or opportunities. The Health Workforce Challenge closed on 30 November 2022, however the ideas provided will remain available for viewing.

View the conversation on Tātou

Health workforce webinar series

Manatū Hauora set up a series of webinars to support conversations with senior leaders from Manatū Hauora, Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora on health workforce initiatives. People were able to hear directly from senior leaders and participate in Q&As.

  • 1 November Te Whatu Ora led a discussion on the short- to medium-term workforce initiatives.
  • 7 November Te Aka Whai Ora and the Māori Health Directorate led a hui on challenges and opportunities for the Māori Health workforce.
  • 10 November Manatū Hauora led a discussion on the role of Manatū Hauora in the new system, potential legislative and regulatory changes, and the development of the strategic framework.

View recordings*, transcriptions, presentations and unanswered questions from the webinars below.

Update from Te Whatu Ora - 1 November 2022

Manatū Hauora update on our work so far - 10 November 2022

* Due to technical issues, the Māori Health workforce webinar was not recorded. However, speech notes from the discussion are available below.

Māori Health workforce webinar - 7 November 2022

Health Workforce Dialogue Event

The Health Workforce Dialogue was held at Parliament on 12 November 2022. This enabled a diverse group of health workforce representatives across Aotearoa to come together, hear from each other about the challenges they face and opportunities they see for change.

There were more than 200 attendees made up of frontline health workers, health sector employers, representatives from responsible authorities, professional bodies, and tertiary education providers.

The Minister of Health and senior leaders from health agencies outlined the work that is being done to address the short-medium term challenges. Facilitated workshop sessions allowed attendees to discuss and prioritise workforce challenges, ideas and opportunities.

View recordings of the keynote speeches, question and answer sessions and some participant feedback below.

Keynote speeches


Next steps

This engagement informed the development of the Health Workforce Strategic Framework and the prioritisation of workforce initiatives in the Health Workforce Plan 2023/24 by Te Whatu Ora and Te Aka Whai Ora.

Manatū Hauora will mobilise the Health Workforce Strategic Framework through the development of workforce policies.

Last updated
Last updated

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora