Hui Whakaoranga

Whāia te Pae Ora mō ngā mokopuna – Securing wellbeing for the next generation

Hui Whakaoranga is a series of hui focused on taking a generational approach to Māori health development. This kaupapa is sponsored by the Ministry of Health and is a key action in Whakamaua: Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025.

These hui were resumed in 2021 and are planned to continue until at least 2025, covering the five-year span of Whakamaua. These hui provide a significant opportunity for iwi, hapū, Māori communities and the health and disability sector to connect, share aspirations, and set out milestones for achieving Pae Ora – healthy futures for Māori. This also involves exploring how to continue building effective partnerships and networks.

By learning from our past and looking forward a generation, Hui Whakaoranga will help us illuminate the pathway toward Pae Ora – securing wellbeing for the next generation.

Hui Whakaoranga 2021

Hui Whakaoranga 2021 began with a series of four kanohi ki te kanohi regional hui in May and June 2021 followed by a virtual hui on 20 July. View the full summary report of Hui Whakaoranga 2021.

Programmes included a range of keynote addresses, panel sessions, plenary and participant sessions, with local leaders contributing their understanding and experience of regional contexts. This included reflecting on the past, celebrating achievements to date and developing a shared vision for the next 25 years. 

Highlight video

Watch highlights taken from the four regional Hui Whakaoranga and the final virtual Hui Whakaoranga:

"Whatever happens over the next stage we need results. We need to be able to point to results.

All of these changes and all these aspirations will be all for nought if we don't change and ameliorate the social economic circumstances of our people."

"We are standing on seven, eight, nine generations of contributions to get us to this point where we can now genuinely dream and aspire to and enact genuine control over our own and our collective destinies."

"What is it that we want as we move into the future rather than how is the future going to dictate change to us?"

"The structural reforms will be for nothing if we  don't change the way people behave and act in the sector and that's where I think Whakamaua has got a really important role to play."

Check out other videos and resources from Hui Whakaoranga 2021 on the Hui Whakaoranga 2021 resources page.

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