Although vaping is not smoking it is a health risk and should be recorded in clinical records.
Recording vaping is additional to recording smoking status. Patients who have stopped smoking and are currently vaping exclusively can be coded as ex-smoking. Recording a person as ex-vaping has value, especially if the person is using vaping to quit smoking and will then quit vaping.
The following SNOMED CT codes and Read codes should be used to record vaping status.
SNOMED CT term | SNOMED CT code | Read code |
Currently vaping with nicotine | 785889008 | @MT0.09 |
Currently vaping without nicotine | 786063001 | @MT0.10 |
Currently vaping | 722499006 | @MT0.11 |
Ex-vaping for less than 1 year | 1137688001 | @MT0.12 |
Ex-vaping for more than 1 year | 1137692008 | @MT0.13 |
Trying to give up vaping | 1137691001 | @MT0.14 |
Never vaped | 1137690000 | @MT0.15 |