About us Mō mātou

About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

Regulation & legislation Ngā here me ngā ture

Health providers and products we regulate, and laws we administer.

Strategies & initiatives He rautaki, he tūmahi hou

How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

Increasing access to health services, achieving equity and improving outcomes for Māori.

Statistics & research He tatauranga, he rangahau

Data and insights from our health surveys, research and monitoring.

Section 317 (2) of the Gambling Act 2003 states that an integrated problem gambling strategy must include ‘independent scientific research associated with gambling, including (for example) longitudinal research on the social and economic impacts of gambling, particularly the impacts on different cultural groups, and evaluation’.

The gambling harm research programme consists of a suite of research projects the Ministry commissions from external research providers. It supports the goals of the Strategy to Prevent and Minimise Gambling Harm by addressing gaps in the existing evidence base, provide needed knowledge, evidence, and insight, and support services, policy, strategy, and anyone who wishes to use them for better wellbeing. 

In this section Kei tēnei wāhanga

  • Research

    Gambling harm research builds a body of good-quality evidence on gambling, its impact on people and community, and ways of preventing and minimising harm.

  • Gambling harm evaluation

    Gambling harm evaluation assesses if harm prevention and minimisation has been implemented and is delivering intended outcomes.

  • Measuring gambling harm

    Gambling harm is a significant social and economic issue that is felt across a spectrum from low to severe. There are several ways to measure gambling harm.

  • Literature scan

    Information about the monthly literature scan for Ministry of Health gambling harm research.

  • Current research projects

    Current research projects commissioned by the Ministry of Health.

  • Statistics

    Evidence about the incidence and prevalence of gambling harm in the New Zealand population, drivers of gambling behaviour and service use.

  • Gambling research publications

    A list of gambling research publications

  • Accessing micro level data

    Find out more about the policies and processes for accessing gambling survey data and other Ministry of Health data.

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© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora