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This publication is intended to help current and prospective providers of respite support and services to better understand the characteristics of the respite market in each region and areas of expected demand.

DSS values the role of providers in delivering high-quality, person-centred support to help disabled people and their families/whānau have a break from the caring role. We would like to see a diverse range of respite options available, so that disabled people and their families/whānau have a choice of both mainstream and disability specific services, and family and community support.

We are encouraging mainstream and disability-specific providers and non-governmental organisations to work with disabled people, families/whānau and community groups to design innovative respite solutions in response to local demand.

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By region


Publishing information

Publication date
Ministry of Health. 2018. The Disability Respite Market. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
978-1-98-853917-1 (online)
HP number
Copyright status

Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora