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Organ donation is a very special gift. It is voluntary and the decision of family and whānau on behalf of their loved one will always be respected.

This strategy is to encourage and make it easier for New Zealanders to make their donation wishes known to family and whānau. It also aims to help people make the most appropriate decision with the best possible support and confidence.

The strategy was developed through a comprehensive process. It involved reviewing international experience of successful efforts to increase donation rates, reviewing the current system in New Zealand, and drawing on the advice of an expert advisory group and a sector working group, as well as public consultation.

The strategy acknowledges live organ donation, and the entire donation and transplantation process.

The strategy also recognises that improving organ donation is everyone’s responsibility. The public, clinicians and the government all have a role.

A further detailed document was prepared by the sector working group to inform this strategy: Increased Deceased Organ Donation and Transplantation: Towards a national strategy.

Publishing information

Publication date

Ministry of Health. 2017. Increasing Deceased Organ Donation and Transplantation: A national strategy. Wellington: Ministry of Health.

978-1-98-850268-7 (online)
HP number
Copyright status

Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora