About us Mō mātou

About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

Regulation & legislation Ngā here me ngā ture

Health providers and products we regulate, and laws we administer.

Strategies & initiatives He rautaki, he tūmahi hou

How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

Increasing access to health services, achieving equity and improving outcomes for Māori.

Statistics & research He tatauranga, he rangahau

Data and insights from our health surveys, research and monitoring.

Historical data sets

These spreadsheets provide data from the Community Oral Health Service. They contain statistics on the level of decayed, missing and filled teeth (DMFT), and the percentage of 5 year olds and children in Year 8 who are caries-free. The spreadsheets also contain data about the percentage of children caries-free in these two groups. Data is organised by DHB and region, as well as ethnicity and fluoridation status.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora