The Ministry of Health has published the Abortion Services Aotearoa New Zealand: Annual Report 2024.
This provides a snapshot of abortion services for the 2023 calendar year. The findings within this report highlight continued improvements following both the 2020 law reform and the 2022 health reforms.
Abortion services in Aotearoa New Zealand should be accessible, equitable, person-centred and of high quality. This aligns with the wider goals for the health system under the Pae Ora (Healthy Futures) Act.
As the steward of the health system, the Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora plays an important role in ensuring public safety and quality through our regulatory functions and activities and then monitoring them - including for abortion services.
Summary of key findings
- Abortion numbers have increased by 14.9% compared to 2022 reporting. This is likely due to service access improvements such as telehealth and easier access to medicines through collection directly from pharmacies.
- Also, greater numbers of locally based in-person abortion services became available in 2023, resulting in a decreased average drive time to access in-person services.
- It is important that there are more choices available in the early stages of pregnancy because earlier abortions are safer.
- The Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists emphasises local and early abortion service provision, as earlier terminations are associated with fewer complications.
- Overall, abortion is safe in New Zealand and serious complications are rare. As in prior years, only a small proportion (2.2%) of all abortion procedures were associated with a complication.
- People from all ethnic groups and backgrounds are accessing abortion services earlier in their pregnancy.
- Access barriers continue to disproportionately impact some people, for example those people who need to travel longer distances. Removing these health disparities is an ongoing focus for the Ministry of Health.
- The abortion workforce continues to increase, improving access for people seeking abortion. This is due to an increase in the number of facilities providing abortion services; the endorsement of midwifery abortion services; and telehealth services for early medical abortion.
On 24 March 2020, changes were made to the law to decriminalise abortion, better align the regulation of abortion services with other health services and modernise the legal framework for abortion services in New Zealand.
Following the 2022 health reforms, the Ministry of Health focuses on strategy, policy, data and regulation in relation to abortion services. Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora focuses on commissioning, workforce and service planning.
The Ministry of Health is conducting a review under the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977. This will provide an opportunity to further analyse abortion service provision and develop a more comprehensive overview on timely and equitable access. For more information: A review of the Contraception, Sterilisation and Abortion Act 1977.
In 2022 a legislative change enabled providers to apply for and have Safe Areas created around their premises. Safe Areas help protect the safety, wellbeing, privacy and dignity of people accessing or providing abortion services. In 2023, the first 11 Safe Areas came into force. A further 3 were created in 2024. More information is on our website: Safe Areas.