This is the fourth annual report on abortion service the Ministry of Health - Manatū Hauora has published.
As the steward of the health system, the Ministry of Health plays an important role in ensuring public safety and quality through our regulatory functions and activities and then monitoring them - including for abortion services.
The Abortion Services Aotearoa New Zealand: Annual Report provides a snapshot of abortion services for the 2023 calendar year. The findings in this report highlight continued improvements following both the 2020 law reform and the 2022 health reforms.
Key achievements include increased accessibility through continued growth of the abortion workforce, and a decrease in average drive-time to in-person services. Access to early medical abortions through telehealth services have also increased.
Along with greater access, people from all ethnic backgrounds are accessing abortions earlier in their pregnancy. These reductions in barriers to access, and earlier terminations, are associated with safer outcomes.
While these improvements signal better access and outcomes for individuals seeking abortion care in Aotearoa New Zealand, barriers continue to disproportionally impact some groups, including Māori and those living in rural areas. Eliminating health disparities is an ongoing focus for the Ministry of Health.
Publishing information
- Publication date
- Citation
Ministry of Health. 2024. Abortion Services Aotearoa New Zealand: Annual Report 2024. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
- 978-1-991324-13-9 (online)
- HP number
- 9107
- Copyright status
Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.