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Chief Science Advisor
Professor Ian Town
Ian Town has worked across both the health and education sectors during his 30-year career. A physician by training, he has published extensively in respiratory medicine. Much of this research has been implemented through evidence-based guidelines for the management of common conditions such as asthma, COPD and pneumonia.
Following an 8-year period at the University of Canterbury as Deputy Vice-Chancellor, he had a wide range of roles including Chair of the PBRF Sector Reference Group and Chair of the TEC PBRF Governance Group overseeing the 2018 Quality Evaluation. He has recently completed a 5-year term as the Chair of the Health Precinct Advisory Council, leading one of the key Christchurch recovery projects.
In his role as Chief Science Advisor, he is leading the Ministry’s work to implement the New Zealand Health Research Strategy 2017–2027 in partnership with MBIE and the HRC.
Chief Economist
Bronwyn Croxson
Bronwyn has a background in research and teaching public and institutional economics. She has been a public servant since moving back to New Zealand 20 years ago. Since then, she has held positions in The Treasury, the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Health. She maintains academic connections, to support her knowledge of developments in evidence and methods, and to support evidence-based decisions.
Bronwyn leads a small team in the Ministry focused on building economics capability, and using economic insights and evidence to support colleagues’ work programmes doing analysis using health and cross-agency data.
Bronwyn has a Masters in Commerce from the University of Auckland, and a Masters of Philosophy and PhD in Economics from the University of Cambridge.
Chief Advisor Horizon Scanning (ERI)
Vickie Saunders
Vickie is an applied futures practitioner with an extensive background in strategy development in both the public and private sectors. Previously, Vickie was a career diplomat with the Ministry of the Foreign Affairs and Trade, where she held a range of roles including in international trade negotiations, defence and security policy, and Pacific relationships. She spent several years working across the breadth of the foreign affairs portfolio to establish a futures approach to strategic policy. Vickie has also worked as a strategy consultant in the private sector.
Vickie holds a PhD in Psychology from the University of Otago and a Masters in International Security from Massey University. She is a graduate of the New Zealand Defence Force Command and Staff College and has trained in futures and foresight at the School of International Futures in the UK.
In her role as Chief Advisor Horizon Scanning, Vickie supports the Ministry’s stewardship role through the systematic identification and analysis of longer-term challenges and opportunities facing the New Zealand health system. This analysis helps decision makers navigate complexity and uncertainty, make informed strategic decisions, and determine proactive courses of action.
Chief Advisor Precision Health (SPL)
James Oughton
James has extensive experience in both the public and private sectors and has returned to New Zealand after 7 years in the US working at the intersection of genomics and precision oncology. A pharmacist by training, James also holds postgraduate diplomas in both genomic medicine and public health. James is passionate about the intersection of health care and innovation and is excited about the opportunities new technologies can provide for patients.
In his role as Chief Advisor of Precision Health, James’s role involves championing, liaising with stakeholders and advising on the Ministry of Health’s precision health work programme to ensure the safe adoption of genomics and artificial intelligence in health care in New Zealand.