About us Mō mātou

About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

Regulation & legislation Ngā here me ngā ture

Health providers and products we regulate, and laws we administer.

Strategies & initiatives He rautaki, he tūmahi hou

How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

Increasing access to health services, achieving equity and improving outcomes for Māori.

Statistics & research He tatauranga, he rangahau

Data and insights from our health surveys, research and monitoring.

The very nature of an emergency is that it is unpredictable. It can vary in scope and impact. An emergency can threaten public safety, the environment, the economy, critical infrastructure or the health of the public.

A national emergency often affects access to health care services and the health care system’s ability to respond to the public’s health needs. Emergency preparedness is progressive, continuously building increased resilience among the public and relevant agencies. This ongoing process involves careful planning, designing of response actions, testing and evaluation of processes and continual updating.

For the health sector, careful planning in particular is critical to safe-guarding the public health care system. Education and training of the health workforce, who will activate the health emergency plan should it be required, are also essential.


The National Emergency Management Agency website offers a range of publications and resources for the emergency management sector.

National Emergency Management Agency website

In this section Kei tēnei wāhanga

  • Health emergency management in context

    The legislative context for emergency management, key agencies, and the Ministry's role within this framework.

  • National Health Emergency Plan

    This plan provides overarching strategic direction for emergency management. It is supported by a number of guidance documents and action plans.

  • National reserve supplies

    National reserve supplies have been developed to ensure that as far as is possible, health services have continued access to specific critical supplies during large or prolonged emergencies that generate unusual demands on normal health service stocks or supply chains.

  • New Zealand Medical Assistance Team

    The New Zealand Medical Assistance Team (NZMAT) can be deployed to support local health services in an event of a major emergency within the south-west Pacific.

  • Pandemics

    Guidance for the health sector on pandemic planning and response.

  • World Health Organization Joint External Evaluation

    In November 2018, New Zealand completed its first Joint External Evaluation (JEE) of the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR).

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© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora