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Monitoring data about people’s access to gambling harm services is an important part of ensuring appropriate support for people who are experiencing harm from their own or someone else’s gambling.

The data available represents a snapshot at a point in time. The reported statistics are subject to slight variation as the Ministry updates client data elements in accordance with the data collection and submission rules required of treatment service providers.

On this page

Total clients assisted

Table 1: Total Clients Recorded (All Interventions)

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* Existing Clients - Clients who have accessed a service in a previous year.

Table 2: Total Clients Recorded (Excluding Brief Interventions)

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* Existing Clients - Clients who have accessed a service in a previous year.

Clients that received only brief intervention services are excluded from this graph. Brief Intervention services are aimed at people who are at risk of gambling harm but are not actively seeking help. Further details about intervention types are available: Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm: Practitioner’s Guide.

Please note that a direct comparison between the July 2004–June 2008 & July 2008-present data has limitations for the following reasons:

  • new service specifications for problem gambling intervention service providers were implemented from January 2008
  • equivalent intervention services provided by the Gambling Helpline have been included in the data since November 2008.

Clients assisted by ethnicity

Table 3: Clients Assisted, by Ethnicity (All Interventions)

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*Please note that “Other” includes New Zealand European and ethnic groups not otherwise specified. For further details of the ethnicity categories used, please read the Ethnicity Data Protocols for the Health and Disability Sector.

** Please note the Asian category has been adjusted for data from 2020/21 onwards. Prior to this the category was East Asian and excluded some Asian ethnicities. This needs to be considered when comparing data from 2020/21 onwards with earlier data.

Table 4: Clients Assisted, by Ethnicity (Excluding Brief Interventions)

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*Please note that “Other” includes New Zealand European and ethnic groups not otherwise specified. For further details of the ethnicity categories used, please read the Ethnicity Data Protocols for the Health and Disability Sector.

** Please note the Asian category has been adjusted for data from 2020/21 onwards. Prior to this the category was East Asian and excluded some Asian ethnicities. This needs to be considered when comparing data from 2020/21 onwards with earlier data.

Clients that received only brief intervention services are excluded from this graph. Brief Intervention services are aimed at people who are at risk of gambling harm but are not actively seeking help. Further details about intervention types are available: Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm: Practitioner’s Guide.

Clients assisted by gender

Table 6: Clients Assisted, by Gender (Excluding Brief Interventions)

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Clients that received only brief intervention services are excluded from this graph. Brief Intervention services are aimed at people who are at risk of gambling harm but are not actively seeking help. Further details about intervention types are available: Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm: Practitioner’s Guide.

Clients assisted by client type

Table 8: Clients Assisted, by Client Type (Excluding Brief Interventions)

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Clients that received only brief intervention services are excluded from this graph. Brief Intervention services are aimed at people who are at risk of gambling harm but are not actively seeking help. Further details about intervention types are available: Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm: Practitioner’s Guide.

Clients assisted, by territorial authority

Table 9: Clients Assisted, by Territorial Authority, for the 2004/05 to 2022/23 Financial Years (All Intervention Type)

Table 10: Clients Assisted, by Territorial Authority, for the 2004/05 to 2022/23 Financial Years (Ex Brief Intervention Type)

Clients assisted by primary problem gambling mode

Table 11: Problem gambling client presentation data. Provides information on client presentation numbers, both new and existing clients, by gambling industry sector, for the 2004/05 to 2022/23 Financial Years

Clients assisted by age group

Table 12: Clients Assisted, by Age group and client type (All Interventions)

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*Note age is not required to be captured for clients with brief only interventions.

Table 13: Clients Assisted, by Age group and client type (Excluding Brief Interventions)

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Clients that received only brief intervention services are excluded from this graph. Brief Intervention services are aimed at people who are at risk of gambling harm but are not actively seeking help. Further details about intervention types are available: Preventing and Minimising Gambling Harm: Practitioner’s Guide.

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© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora