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About the minimum quality standard

The minimum quality standard is used to verify medicinal cannabis products which have been derived from the Cannabis plant. Medicinal cannabis products that meet the minimum quality standard and can be prescribed in New Zealand are listed on this page.

The minimum quality standard for medicinal cannabis products is set out in the Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Regulations 2019. The standard ensures the quality and consistency of medicinal cannabis products doctors prescribe to patients.

The standard applies to products derived from the cannabis plant. It does not apply to synthetic CBD and THC products.

Products that meet the minimum quality standard are not approved medicines. That means their safety and efficacy has not been assessed.

Who can prescribe medicinal cannabis products

Any doctor can prescribe the medicinal cannabis products on this page. You do not need a specialist recommendation or Ministerial approval. For more information on a particular product, please contact the listed product supplier or manufacturer.

About medicinal cannabis products that meet the minimum quality standard

Medicinal cannabis products that meet the minimum quality standard and can be prescribed in New Zealand, are listed on this page. Some verified products may not be listed here at the request of the licence holder. Being listed here does not guarantee that these products are currently available in New Zealand. For the most up-to-date information on product availability, contact the licence holder.

Generally, medicinal cannabis products are only available on prescription if they have:

  • been assessed by the Medicinal Cannabis Agency as meeting the minimum quality standard under the Misuse of Drugs (Medicinal Cannabis) Regulations 2019, or
  • obtained consent for distribution under the Medicines Act 1981 (approved and provisionally approved medicines).

Dosage products classified as prescription medicine

The products listed in the tables are categorised by their verified dosage form. The products meet the testing requirements and microbiological contamination limits applicable to the dosage form as listed.

Oral Liquids

Product NameActive IngredientsPack Sizes (mL)Administration notesLicence holder
Helius CBD25 Full SpectrumTotal CBD (CBD+CBDA) 25 mg/mL30Oral, withdraw prescribed dose using provided dropper and dispense into mouthHelius Therapeutics Limited
Helius CBD100 Full SpectrumTotal CBD (CBD+CBDA) 100 mg/mL30Oral, withdraw prescribed dose using provided dropper and dispense into mouthHelius Therapeutics Limited
Tilray P Oral Solution CBD 100Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 106.4 mg/g (100 mg/mL)25, 40Oral, 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Tilray P Oral Solution CBD 25Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 26.6 mg/g (25 mg/mL)  40Oral, 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1mL volume markingsCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
ANTG Elan Oil [CBD100]Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 100 mg/mL30, 100Oral via 1.5 mL LDPE standard syringeMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals

Sublingual Solutions

Product NameActive IngredientsPack Sizes (mL)Administration notesLicence holder
Helius SubDrops® CBD100Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 100 mg/mL30Sublingual, 1 mL dropper with 0.25 mL volume markingsHelius Therapeutics Limited
Helius SubDrops® CBD25Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 25 mg/mL30Sublingual, 1 mL dropper with 0.25 mL volume markingsHelius Therapeutics Limited
Eqalis CBD120

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) = 120 mg/mL

Total THC (Δ9-THC+THCA) < 0.5 mg/mL

30Sublingual, 1 mL dropper with 0.25 mL volume markingsEqalis Pharmaceuticals Limited
Eqalis CBD30

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) = 30 mg/mL

Total THC (Δ9-THC+THCA) < 0.6 mg/mL

30Sublingual, 1 mL dropper with 0.25 mL volume markingsEqalis Pharmaceuticals Limited

Dosage Products - Controlled Drug B1

Oral Liquids

Product NameActive IngredientsPack Sizes (mL)Administration notesLicence holder
evalaCann THC ≤1 mg: CBD 20 mg

Total THC (THC+THCA) ≤1 mg

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 20 mg

30Oral, 1 mL or 1.5 mL oral; syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCannasouth Bioscience Ltd
evalaCann THC 10 mg: CBD 15 mg

Total THC (THC+THCA) 10 mg

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 15 mg

30Oral, 1 mL or 1.5 mL oral; syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCannasouth Bioscience Ltd
evalaCann THC 10 mg: CBD ≤1 mg

Total THC (THC+THCA) 10 mg

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤1 mg

30Oral, 1 mL or 1.5 mL oral; syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCannasouth Bioscience Ltd
Helius THC25 Full Spectrum

Total THC (THC+THCA) 25 mg/mL

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤2 mg/mL

30Oral, withdraw prescribed dose with provided oral syringe and dispense into mouth. Provided with 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1mL markingsHelius Therapeutics Limited
Helius THC10:CBD10 Full Spectrum

Total THC (THC+THCA) 10 mg/mL

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 10 mg/mL

30Oral, withdraw prescribed dose with provided oral syringe and dispense into mouth. Provided with 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1mL markingsHelius Therapeutics Limited
Tilray FS oral Solution THC 25Total THC (THC+THCA) 26.44 mg / g (25 mg/ mL)40Oral, 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Tilray FS Oral Solution THC 10 CBD 10Total THC (THC+THCA) 10.5 mg/g (10 mg/mL)

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 10.5 mg/g (10 mg/mL)
40Oral, 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
Tilray FS Oral Solution THC 5:  CBD 20Total THC (THC+THCA) 5.3 mg/g (5 mg/mL)

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 21.3 mg/g (20 mg/mL)
40Oral, 1 mL oral syringe with 0.1 mL volume markingsCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
ANTG Rocky Oil [FS THC30 CBD<1]

Total THC (THC+THCA) 30 mg/mL

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) < 1 mg/mL

50Oral via 1.5 mL LDPE standard syringeMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
ANTG Luna Oil [FS THC10 CBD10]Total THC (THC+THCA) 10 mg/mL
Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 10 mg/mL
50Oral via 1.5 mL LDPE standard syringeMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
ANTG Eve Oil [FS THC2 CBD50]Total THC (THC+THCA) ≤ 2 mg/mL
Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 50 mg/mL
50Oral via 1.5 mL LDPE standard syringeMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals

Sublingual Sprays

Product NameActive IngredientsPack Sizes (mL)Administration notesLicence holder
Helius THC27:CBD25 Full Spectrum Spray

Total THC (THC+THCA) 27 mg/mL

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 25 mg/mL

3 x 10, 1 x 10Spray prescribed dose under the tongue or inside the cheekHelius Therapeutics Limited


Dried cannabis flower for inhalation via a vaporiser

These medicinal cannabis products are Class C1 controlled drugs. They meet the minimum quality standard for inhalation via a vaporiser.

Product NameActive IngredientsPack Sizes (g)Administration notesLicence holder
KIKUYA DuneTotal THC (THC+THCA) 190 mg/g (19% w/w) Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤10 mg/g (≤1%w/w)10Inhalation via vaporiserMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
KIKUYA ArroyoTotal THC (THC+THCA) 200 mg/g (20% w/w) Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤10 mg/g (≤1% w/w)10Inhalation via vaporiserMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
Tilray Whole Flower Dried Cannabis THC 22Total THC (THC+THCA) 22 % w/w Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤1% w/w15Inhalation via vaporiserCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
EquiposaTotal THC (THC+THCA) 9.0 % w/w Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 8.3 % w/w15Inhalation via vaporiserIndica Industries Ltd
LuminariumTotal THC (THC+THCA) 22.5 % w/w Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤1 % w/w15Inhalation via vaporiserIndica Industries Ltd
SedapremTotal THC (THC+THCA) 21.3 % w/w Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤1% w/w15Inhalation via vaporiserIndica Industries Ltd
KIKUYA PeakTotal THC (THC+THCA) 255 mg/g (25.5 % w/w) Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤10 mg/g (≤1% w/w)10Inhalation via vaporiserMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
Helius DK Dusk THC25Total THC (THC+THCA) 25 % w/w 
Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤ 1 % w/w
10Inhalation via vaporiserHelius Therapeutics Limited
Helius DK Dawn THC22Total THC (THC+THCA) 22 % w/w
Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤ 1 % w/w
10Inhalation via vaporiserHelius Therapeutics Limited
Tilray Whole Flower Dried Cannabis THC 25Total THC (THC+THCA) 25 % w/w Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤1% w/w15Inhalation via vaporiserCDC Pharmaceuticals Ltd
KIKUYA CoveTotal THC (THC+THCA) 190 mg/g (19.0 % w/w) Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤10 mg/g (≤1% w/w)10Inhalation via vaporiserMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
Rua Puāwai THC26Total THC (THC + THCA) 26 % w/w
Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) ≤ 1 % w/w
10Inhalation via vaporiserRua Bioscience Limited
Rua Puāwai THC18 White WidowTotal THC (THC + THCA) 18 % w/w
Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) < 1 % w/w
10Inhalation via vaporiserRua Bioscience Limited
Smith Indica THC18.5 CBD≤1Total THC (THC + THCA) 18.5 % w/w
Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) ≤ 1 % w/w
10Inhalation via vaporiserMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
Smith Sativa THC18.5 CBD≤1Total THC (THC + THCA) 18.5 % w/w
Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) ≤ 1 % w/w
10Inhalation via vaporiserMW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals

Dried cannabis flower for preparing tea for oral consumption

These medicinal cannabis products are Class C1 controlled drugs. They meet the minimum quality standard for the preparation of tea for oral consumption.

These products do not meet the minimum quality standard for inhalation.

Product NameActive IngredientsPack Sizes (g)Administration notesLicence holder
ANTG EveTotal THC (THC+THCA) 10 mg/g (˂ 1% w/w)

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) 125 mg/g (12.5% w/w)

Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions.

MW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
ANTG MariposaTotal THC (THC+THCA) 135 mg/g (13.5% w/w)

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <10 mg/g (<1% w/w)

Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions

MW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
ANTG Rocky

Total THC (THC+THCA) 250 mg/g (25% w/w)

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <10 mg/g (<1% w/w)


Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions

MW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
ANTG Solace

Total THC (THC+THCA): 200 mg/g (20% w/w)

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA): <10 mg/g (<1% w/w)

10Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
MW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
Medleaf Shishkaberry

Total THC (THC+THCA): 16% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA): 1% w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Medleaf Zour Apple

Total THC (THC+THCA) 23% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Medleaf GG#4

Total THC (THC+THCA) 24% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Medleaf LL Kush

Total THC (THC+THCA) 23% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Cumulus T17

Total THC (THC+THCA) = 17% w/w

Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) <2% w/w

10Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
Cannasouth Cultivation Limited
Symetis T17 B52

Total THC (THC+THCA) = 17% w/w

Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) <2% w/w

10Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
Cannasouth Cultivation Limited
Medleaf Orange Kush CTotal THC (THC+THCA) 21% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w
30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Medleaf Tropicana

Total THC (THC+THCA) 16% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Medleaf Runtz M

Total THC (THC+THCA) 20% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics
Medleaf MAC-1

Total THC (THC+THCA) 22% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1%w/w

30Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
JC logistics t/a Medleaf Therapeutics

Total THC (THC+THCA) 24.5% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) <1% w/w

10Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
MW Pharma Limited t/a NUBU Pharmaceuticals
Helius NZ Amelia THC15

Total THC (THC+THCA) 15% w/w

Total CBD (CBD+CBDA) ≤1% w/w

10Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
Helius Therapeutics Limited
Twilight T17

Total THC (THC+THCA) = 17% w/w

Total CBD (CBD + CBDA) <2% w/w

10Tea preparation for oral consumption.
View tea preparation instructions
Cannasouth Cultivation Limited

How to prepare dried cannabis flower tea

Steps for tea preparation

  1. Grind the product in a grinder until fine.
  2. Bring 500 mL of water to the boil in a covered saucepan.
  3. Add 0.5 grams of the ground product to the boiling water.
  4. Turn down the heat and simmer the tea for 15 minutes. Keep the saucepan covered.
  5. Remove the saucepan from the heat and strain the tea.
  6. Add a sachet of coffee creamer to the warm tea before drinking. This prevents the active ingredients from sticking to the teapot or mug when the tea cools down.

Leftover tea can be stored in a thermos if you plan to drink it on the same day.

Products with consent for distribution

These medicinal cannabis products have been approved or provisionally approved under the Medicines Act 1981. They have been assessed by Medsafe and meet New Zealand and international standards for quality, safety and efficacy.

Product NameActive IngredientsDose FormPrescribing informationInformation for consumersSponsor
Sativex oromucosal sprayCBD 25 mg/mL equivalent to Cannabis sativa extract 35 mg–42 mg
THC 27 mg/mL equivalent to Cannabis sativa extract 38 mg–44 mg
Oromucosal spraySativex data sheet (191 KB)Sativex consumer medicine information (PDF, 210 KB)Chiesi New Zealand Limited t/a Emerge Health
oral solution
Cannabidiol 100 mg/mLOral solutionEpidyolex data sheet (PDF, 424 KB)Epidyolex consumer medicine information (PDF, 347 KB)Pharmacy Retailing (NZ) Ltd t/a Healthcare Logistics

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora