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About the medical examination of children

Under section 125 of the Health Act 1956, a health care worker may need to perform a simple check on a child at a school or early childcare centre to determine if the child has a medical condition such as an ear infection, head lice, scabies, or vision or hearing loss.

Wherever possible, health workers who need to examine children should always seek consent from the child’s parents/guardian in accordance with Right 7 of the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights. However, there can be are situations where a health worker is unable to obtain consent. A health worker can perform a medical examination without consent only if they are authorised by the Minister of Health according to section 125 of the Health Act 1956.

Health care workers who are authorised to examine children without consent should be familiar with the Ministry’s guidelines. 

Organisations or employers must apply to the Ministry on behalf of employees or health workers who require authorisation to perform medical examinations without consent.

Who can be authorised

  • Registered nurses.
  • Medical officers of health.
  • Vision and hearing technicians.

Application process

Organisations or employers of health workers must apply to the Ministry using the Application for Section 125 Authorisation and the Children’s Act Safety Check Employer Verification forms.

The Children’s Act Safety Check Employer Verification form is used to confirm that:

  • a health worker’s current or former employer has completed a core children’s worker safety check. This check must meet the requirements of the Children’s Act 2014 and the Children (Requirements for Safety Checks of Children’s Workers) Regulations 2015 (the Children’s Legislation)
  • the employee has agreed to comply with the organisation’s Child Protection Policy.

Safety checks are portable, ie, a safety check remains current for three years, even if a worker moves to another employer.

For health workers who have not had a safety check within the past three years, their employer or organisation must complete a safety check that includes:

  • verifying identification
  • Police vetting
  • employment or personal references
  • employment history
  • applicant interview
  • professional membership check (registration and annual practising certificate)
  • final assessment.

How to apply

Download the Application for Section 125 Authorisation form and complete all sections.

Download the Children’s Act Safety Check Employer Verification form and complete all sections.

Complete applications will be processed within 20 working days of receipt. Employers will be advised by the Ministry if applications have been approved, or if we need more information.

Send your application and safety check forms by post or email.

Postal address:

Ministry of Health
PO Box 5013

Email: [email protected]

Further information

For further information, please phone 0800 113 813 or email [email protected].


To comply with Children’s Legislation requirements, the Ministry must be satisfied that all people exercising the powers conferred under Section 125(2) of the Health Act 1956, are safety checked and all employers have a child protection policy.

From time to time, the Ministry may audit authorisations to ensure people have been safety checked to the required standards. Employers must be able to provide written evidence of safety checks if they are audited.

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© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora