Publication date:
28 October 2021
These tables contain summarised data showing privately funded hospital discharges and procedures by DHB, sex, age group and disease/procedure classification. The same data is available in different formats:
- Excel tables: Formatted tables so you can view national data easily and read the key findings.
- Data tables: Zip file package containing text files of the underlying data used in the excel tables and a data dictionary. DHB breakdowns are available in this format.
Key findings
Privately funded hospital discharges in 2018/19
- More than 115,000 privately funded hospital discharges were reported in 2018/19; an age-standardised rate of 19 hospitalisations per 1000 people.
- More than half of hospital discharges were for females (54%).
- The age-standardised rate for females was 21% higher than the rate for males (21 discharges per 1000 females compared with 17 per 1000 males).
- More than one third of all male discharges (37%) and one quarter of all female discharges (29%) were for those aged 65 years and over.
- Age-specific rates among females of child-bearing age (15–44 years) were 1.7–2.0 times that of their male counterparts.
Privately funded hospital procedures in 2018/19
- More than 240,000 privately funded hospital procedures were reported in 2018/19; an age-standardised rate of 41 procedures per 1000 people.
- More than half of hospital procedures were for females (56%).
- The age-standardised rate for females was 30% higher than the rate for males (46 procedures per 1000 females compared with 36 per 1000 males).
- One third of all procedures performed on males (33%) and one quarter of all procedures performed on females (24%) were for those aged 65 years and over.
- Age-specific rates of procedures performed on females of child-bearing age (15–44 years) were 1.8–2.1 times that performed on their male counterparts.
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Publishing information
- Publication date
- Copyright status
Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.