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The Primary Health Organisation (PHO) enrolment of children in contact with the care and protection system presents an overview of the PHO enrolment status of children in New Zealand in 2021. This is a joint report between Oranga Tamariki and Manatū Hauora.

The report presents data on the overall PHO enrolment status of children grouped into cohorts based on their level of contact with Oranga Tamariki. We found that children in care have similar enrolment rates to children with no care and protection history (94% for children in care and 95% for children with no care and protection contact). It describes those groups further by:

  • Māori indicator
  • gender
  • age.


This report is available on the Oranga Tamariki website.

Publishing information

Publication date

Oranga Tamariki. 2023. PHO enrolments of children in contact with the care and protection system. Wellington: Oranga Tamariki.

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Third-party content. Please check the document or email the Web Manager to find out how to obtain permission to re-use content.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora