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Key findings

Number of new cancer registrations, 2017
Rates of new cancer registrations, 2017

Note: rates per 100,000 population, age standardised to WHO World Standard Population.

About the tables

The data is provided in multiple formats:

Interactive tables: These provide the latest cancer registration data for New Zealand. When you choose cancers of interest from a list, the data and graphs automatically update based on your choice:

  • A summary of the 10 most common cancers for males and females for 2017.
  • Ten most common cancer registrations for 2017 by all ethnicities, Māori and non-Māori and by sex. Data is included for years 2008–2017 to enable trend analysis.
  • Numbers and rates of new cancer registrations for groups of cancer, by sex for 2017.
  • Numbers of new cancer registrations for individual cancers for 2017, by sex, ethnic group, life-stage age group, deprivation quintile, district health board region and regional cancer network.

Data tables: Zip file package containing text files of the underlying data used in the interactive tables and a data dictionary.

Please note: The number of new cancers reflects the number of primary tumours rather than the number of individuals with cancer. Multiple cancers with the same site and same morphological group are excluded.

These tables form part of the Cancer: New registrations and deaths series.

You can download these tables from the Downloads section of this page.


In these tables, we extracted data for new cancer registrations between 2008 and 2017 and recalculated the rates for all years to reflect ongoing updates to data in the New Zealand Cancer Registry and the revision of population estimates following each census. As a result, there may be small changes to some numbers and rates from those in previous publications.

We have quality checked the collection, extraction, and reporting of the data presented here. However, errors can occur. Contact the Ministry of Health if you have any concerns regarding any of the data or analyses presented here, at [email protected].

Publishing information

Publication date
Copyright status

Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora