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The Green Prescription (GRx) Active Families programme has grown out of the nationwide GRx initiative for adults, responding to requests from primary care for something similar for children and young people. There are 15 contract holders throughout NZ.

There must be commitment from the family for involvement in the programme and a willingness to improve their nutrition and increase physical activity. Criteria for admittance to the programme is an inactive child with a BMI of over 25. 1682 children from 1490 families were referred to the programme during 2016/17, mainly referred by GPs and paediatricians. Families are able to refer themselves to the programme

This is the ninth survey by Research New Zealand in an ongoing evaluation of the participants in the Active Families programme. The survey seeks the views of participants about how well the programme worked for their child and family. The findings represent the views of 269 families who participated between July 2016 and April 2018.

Main survey points are:

  • 85 percent of participants are more active since receiving their GRx
  • 90 percent of families have made changes to their diets, mainly less sugary food and drink, eating fewer takeaways, more fruit and vegetables
  • 99 percent are now more aware of and understand the benefits of physical activity
  • 89 percent of participants have noticed health changes including: willingness to try new activities, more energy and confidence, weight loss and less medication.
  • Satisfaction with the service (activity and nutrition sessions and home visits) is very high at 98 percent.

Publishing information

Publication date
Research New Zealand. 2018. Green Prescription Active Families Survey Report: May 2018. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
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© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora