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About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

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How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

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A more recent Evaluation of the Nurse Practitioner Programme was published by Health New Zealand in 2024.

Nurse practitioners are highly skilled health practitioners who can provide a wide range of assessment and treatment interventions. Their broad scope of practice enables them to safely and appropriately meet changing health needs.

In 2017 the Ministry of Health commissioned Malatest International to undertake an independent evaluation of the pilot nurse practitioner training programme being provided at The University of Auckland and Massey University. The programme was designed to provide a more coordinated and strategic approach to nurse practitioner education, registration and employment.

Overall the evaluation report is positive. Most students completed the course in the time required and achieved registration within three months of completion.

The programmes are very popular (2 + applications for every available place) and programme graduates have expressed high levels of satisfaction with the scheme and have been successful in moving into employment as a nurse practitioner.

Publishing information

Publication date

Malatest International. 2018. Evaluation of a Nurse Practitioner Education Programme. Wellington: Ministry of Health.

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© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora