Publication date:
12 December 2012
Selected findings presented in A Focus on Nutrition: Key findings from the 2008/09 NZ Adult Nutrition Survey and some additional results are available in Excel format. There are Excel spreadsheets for Chapters 3, 4 and 6.
Within each spreadsheet, there are separate tabs along the bottom of the spreadsheet for each population group. Simply click on the topic tab of interest and you will see tables showing the unadjusted frequency by age group and gender for the following populations:
- Total population
- Māori
- Pacific
- New Zealand European/Other
- Neighbourhood deprivation (NZDep2006)
Chapter 3 Nutrient intakes and dietary sources: Energy and macronutrients
Dietary sources
- Energy (Excel, 101 KB)
- Protein (Excel, 100 KB)
- Total fat (Excel, 101 KB)
- Saturated fat (Excel, 100 KB)
- Monosaturated fat (Excel, 101 KB)
- Polyunsaturated fat (Excel, 100 KB)
- Cholesterol (Excel, 97 KB)
- Total carbohydrate (Excel, 97 KB)
- Total sugars (Excel, KB)
- Sucrose (Excel, 94 KB)
- Fructose (Excel, 94 KB)
- Lactose (Excel, KB)
- Total dietary fibre (Excel, 94 KB)
- Alcohol (Excel, 59 KB)
Chapter 4 Nutrient Intakes and Dietary Sources: Micronutrients
Dietary sources
- Vitamin A equivalents (Excel, 98KB)
- β-carotene (Excel, 95KB)
- Retinol (Excel, 96KB)
- Vitamin C (Excel, 92KB)
- Vitamin E (Excel, 105KB)
B vitamins
- Thiamin (Excel, 97KB)
- Riboflavin (Excel, 99KB)
- Niacin equivalents (Excel, 99KB)
- Vitamin B6 (Excel, 98KB)
- Vitamin B12 (Excel, 98KB)
- Calcium (Excel, 98KB)
- Iron (Excel, 99KB)
- Zinc (Excel, 100KB)
- Potassium (Excel, 98KB)
- Selenium (Excel, 98KB)
Chapter 6 Dietary Habits
Eating from the four major food groups
- Vegetables and fruit (Excel, 98KB)
- Bread consumption (Excel, 56KB)
- Milk consumption (Excel, 41KB)
- Consumption of meat, chicken, seafood,processed meat and seafood (Excel, 135KB)
Food preparation and cooking practices
- Removing excess fat on meat and skin from chicken (Excel, 59KB)
- Use of spreads and oils (Excel, 57KB)
- Use of low or reduced-fat varieties of food (Excel, 42KB)
- Use of salt (Excel, 72KB)