Publication date:
12 June 2024
This Cabinet paper seeks approval of the Government response to the Petition of Millicent Dickenson: Subsidise degrees that lead to mental health jobs. Associated ministerial briefing documents are also provided for context.
Title of Cabinet material:
- Minister for Mental Health response to the Petition of Millicent Dickenson: Subsidise Degrees that Lead to Mental Health Jobs.
- LEG-24-MIN-0062 – Minute of Decision: Response to the Petition of Millicent Dickenson: Subsidise Degrees that lead to Mental Health Jobs.
- CAB-24-MIN-0127 – Minute of Decision: Report of the Cabinet Legislation Committee: Period Ended 12 April 2024.
Ministerial briefings:
- H2024037769 Briefing - Response to the Petition of Millicent Dickenson Subsidise degrees that lead to mental health jobs - for ministerial consultation
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