Health system reform roadmap - Data and digital

On this page you'll find information outlining the system achievements for data and digital as part of the health system reform implementation roadmap.

Horizon 1 – Financial year 2022-2024

People have a consistent method for accessing health and wellbeing information

Responsible Agency: Ministry of Health


Currently health and wellbeing information is stored in different places, in different formats, and can be difficult to access and use effectively. This means that people and whānau often have to repeat their health information and history a number of times to different service providers and cannot easily access that information themselves. It also means that health care providers can’t always get a full picture of a person’s health to enable them and the consumer to make the best treatment decisions. Hira is a technology solution that will enable people, whānau and providers to have a consistent way to access health information. Hira will be the connector of people’s health and wellbeing information – like the medicines they are on, the vaccinations they have had, and their lab results. It will enable information to be pulled from different systems to create a personal health record.

What will be achieved

Projects under the Hira programme of work are implemented to create a consistent and interoperable method for accessing health and wellbeing information from the wide variety of data sources across the health system. 

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Digital Workspace

Responsible Agency: Health New Zealand


Over time, the health sector  has implemented multiple platforms, systems and applications to service the needs of the districts community. Current systems have limited access, sharing and collaboration outside of the users’ district. With the move to a national organisation there is a clear need to rationalise systems and make them available to all users. To deliver a unified digital experience and realise the benefits of this, all users need to be migrated to a single national desktop. 

What will be achieved 

All employees of Health New Zealand will be migrated to standard desktop environments, with single collaboration environments to help support the development of  a strong, unified organisation culture.

National data platform implemented

Responsible Agency: Health New Zealand


To optimise resources and promote efficient, effective and consistent ways of working a number of national activities are needed. These activities must promote sovereignty, privacy and security while enabling data to be accessible to those who need it.  

What will be achieved 

A National Data Platform will ensure data from the sector can be hosted, analysed and reported on, to support decision making across Te Whatu Ora.     

Achieved 2022-23

Data and Digital Strategy developed

Responsible Agency: Health New Zealand


Prior to the health system reforms, there were multiple systems operating across district health boards and other entities.  Data and digital has a crucial role in building fit for purpose national data and technology systems  to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.

What has been achieved 

A data and digital strategy and roadmap is in place to guide the for the ongoing development of data and systems within the health system.

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Whānau, Consumer and Clinician Digital Council established

Responsible Agency: Health New Zealand


Establishing a Whānau, Consumer and Clinician Digital Council will support the voice of consumers and whānau to shape data and digital technologies to improve health outcomes and reduce inequities across Aotearoa – New Zealand.

What has been achieved 

A Whānau, Consumer and Clinician Digital Council has been established and will act as a link between clinicians, consumers, whānau, hapori and communities.

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Data and Digital investment & transition plan completed

Responsible Agency: Health New Zealand


Data and digital has a crucial role in building fit for purpose national data and technology systems to improve the health and wellbeing of New Zealanders.  A clear understanding of the investment required to build that infrastructure and transition from what is currently in place is needed.

What has been achieved 

Health New Zealand now has a national Data and Digital function (established November 2023), which ensures a nationally consistent approach to investment and management of the data and digital ecosystem. The establishment of a national function simplifies decision making and supports an accelerated delivery agenda (including a more equitable allocation of resources and expertise, and the ability to deploy ‘best of’ solutions nationally).

A set of investment and transition plan priorities has been agreed, encapsulating both near-term transitional activities as well as medium term digital modernisation priorities for key Health NZ services.

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Horizon 2 – Financial year 2024-2027

National finance, procurement and information systems implemented

Responsible Agency: Ministry of Health


A national approach is needed to centralise, simplify and automate the management of financial and procurement information management.

What will be achieved 

Implementation of a centralised financial and procurement information system that takes a national approach. This will address risks from current end-of-life systems, and provide data to support the realisation of procurement benefits outside of nationally negotiated contracts.

Health Sector Agreements and Payments System implemented

Responsible Agency: Health New Zealand


The Health Sector Agreements and Payments Programme (HSAAP) systems enable the management of agreements, entitlements, and distribution of payments by Te Whatu Ora on behalf of funders and commissioners to providers of health and disability community-based care and to health service users. These systems process 120 million claims and $13 billion in payments annually but are obsolete and increasingly unstable. To mitigate risk of system failure and support achievement of the health reforms, we need to transition replace the ageing to a new national approach to health sector agreements and payments systems.

What will be achieved

National claims payment and contract management systems selected, procured, and implemented (completion of Tranche 3), and legacy systems have been retired, and Health NZ and its partners have the technical capabilities to work with the new solution and support better health outcomes for New Zealand. Building on successful implementation of new claims payment functionality to test the tools for dental claims (50,000 annual claims, $40M payments), pivoting to pharmacy claims. Technical review has confirmed direction of travel, and work is underway on implementing a new contract management solution. Agreed to transition payments functionality to the Health NZ finance system, with a savings of $3M.

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