• Blue light and light emitting diodes (LEDs)

    Blue light plays an important part in keeping our body clock in time with the day/night cycle.
  • Cellphones

    Cellphones connect to a network using radiofrequency radiation - different to the radiation from x-ray equipment and radioactive sources.
  • Child-resistant packaging

    Child-resistant packaging can help prevent poisonings but they are not child proof. All medicines and poisons should be locked away.
  • Laser pointers (goes to another website)

    Powerful, low-cost laser pointers are becoming more common. A laser pointer might look like a toy – but it can be very harmful.
  • Microwave ovens

    The microwaves used in a microwave oven are a form of radiation, like light or radio waves. The energy in the microwaves cooks the food.
  • Poisons around the home

    Many things we have in and around our homes are poisonous, and very appealing to children.
  • Smart meters

    A smart meter is a device which sits inside your meter box. It uses radio signals to communicate with your power company.
  • Smoke alarms (goes to another website)

    You should always have a working smoke alarm in your home – it could save your life.
  • WiFi networks and computer equipment

    WiFi (or wireless networking) is a way to connect a computer or other device to a network. It uses low-power radio signals instead of cables.
  • Unflued gas heaters

    Heating is important during winter, especially for those in colder climates. But unflued gas heaters release gases that can harm you.