Chiswick Park Lifecare

Profile & contact details

Premises details
Premises nameChiswick Park Lifecare
Address 69A Maxwells Line Awapuni Palmerston North 4412
Total beds52
Service typesGeriatric, Medical, Physical, Rest home care
Certification/licence details
Certification/licence nameHeritage Lifecare Limited - Chiswick Park Lifecare
Current auditorThe DAA Group Limited
End date of current certificate/licence27 September 2026
Certification period36 months
Provider details
Provider nameHeritage Lifecare Limited
Street address 16 Johnsonville Road Johnsonville Wellington 6037
Post addressPO Box 13223 Johnsonville Wellington 6440

Progress on issues from the last audit

What’s on this page?

This rest home has been audited against the Health and Disability Services Standards. During the last audit, the auditors identified some areas for improvement.

Issues from their last audit are listed in the corrective actions table below, along with the action required to fix the issue, its risk level, and whether or not the issue has been reported as fixed.

A guide to the table is available below.

Details of corrective actions

Date of last audit: 17 July 2023

Outcome requiredFound at auditAction requiredRisk ratingAction statusDate action reported complete
Service providers shall evaluate progress against quality outcomes.Not all internal audits have been completed as per the audit schedule and not all audits have had corrective actions appropriately documented and signed off. Ensure all internal audits have been completed as per the audit schedule, and that all audits have had corrective actions appropriately documented and signed off. PA ModerateIn Progress
Meaningful activities shall be planned and facilitated to develop and enhance people’s strengths, skills, resources, and interests, and shall be responsive to their identity.Meaningful activities are not being consistently provided at Chiswick Park to enable residents to maintain and develop their strengths, skills, and interests. Provide evidence an AC is providing residents with an activities programme that meets their needs and enables access to community involvement. PA LowReporting Complete20/12/2023
Fundamental to the development of a care or support plan shall be that: (a) Informed choice is an underpinning principle; (b) A suitably qualified, skilled, and experienced health care or support worker undertakes the development of the care or support plan; (c) Comprehensive assessment includes consideration of people’s lived experience; (d) Cultural needs, values, and beliefs are considered; (e) Cultural assessments are completed by culturally competent workers and are accessible in all settin… (this text has been trimmed due to space limits).The support required to achieve residents’ strengths, goals, and aspirations were not clearly documented. Early warning signs and risks that may affect a person’s wellbeing were not always recorded to enable early intervention and to minimise escalation. Provide evidence the residents’ care plans identify the support the resident requires to achieve their strengths, goals, and aspirations. Early warning signs and risks that may affect a person’s wellbeing are to be recorded with a focus on early intervention to minimise escalation. PA ModerateReporting Complete20/12/2023
The decision to approve restraint for a person receiving services shall be made: (a) As a last resort, after all other interventions or de-escalation strategies have been tried or implemented; (b) After adequate time has been given for cultural assessment; (c) Following assessment, planning, and preparation, which includes available resources able to be put in place; (d) By the most appropriate health professional; (e) When the environment is appropriate and safe. Restraint approvals did not have documentation in place to ensure that restraint has been used as a last resort and after all other interventions or de-escalation strategies have been tried or implemented. Cultural assessments were not in place to ensure any cultural needs would be met. Ensure that documentation is in place to ensure that restraint has been used as a last resort and after all other interventions or de-escalation strategies have been tried or implemented, and that cultural assessments have been completed prior to any restraint being initiated. PA LowReporting Complete22/12/2023
The frequency and extent of monitoring of people during restraint shall be determined by a registered health professional and implemented according to this determination.There was no documentation related to people’s cultural, physical, psychological, and psychosocial needs, or wairuatanga in the resident’s restraint records. Ensure that people’s cultural, physical, psychological, and psychosocial needs, and wairuatanga are documented in resident’s restraint records. PA LowReporting Complete22/12/2023
Monitoring restraint shall include people’s cultural, physical, psychological, and psychosocial needs, and shall address wairuatanga.There was no documentation related to people’s cultural, physical, psychological, and psychosocial needs, or wairuatanga in the resident’s restraint records. Ensure that people’s cultural, physical, psychological, and psychosocial needs, and wairuatanga are documented in resident’s restraint records. PA LowReporting Complete22/12/2023
Each episode of restraint shall be documented on a restraint register and in people’s records in sufficient detail to provide an accurate rationale for use, intervention, duration, and outcome of the restraint, and shall include: (a) The type of restraint used; (b) Details of the reasons for initiating the restraint; (c) The decision-making process, including details of de-escalation techniques and alternative interventions that were attempted or considered prior to the use of restraint; (d) If … (this text has been trimmed due to space limits).There was no documentation in the resident’s restraint records of decision-making process, details of de-escalation techniques and alternative interventions attempted or considered prior to the use of restraint, details of any advocacy and support offered, provided, or facilitated, the outcome of the restraint, or comments resulting from the evaluation of the restraint. Ensure restraint records outline decision-making process prior to the use of restraint, details of any de-escalation techniques and alternative interventions attempted or considered prior to the use of restraint, details of any advocacy and support offered, provided, or facilitated, the outcome of the restraint used, and comments resulting from the evaluation of the restraint. PA LowReporting Complete22/12/2023

Guide to table

Outcome required

The outcome required by the Health and Disability Services Standards.

Found at audit

The issue that was found when the rest home was audited.

Action required

The action necessary to fix the issue, as decided by the auditor.

Risk level

Whether the required outcome was partially attained (PA) or unattained (UA), and what the risk level of the issue is.

The outcome is partially attained when:

  • there is evidence that the rest home has the appropriate process in place, but not the required documentation
  • when the rest home has the required documentation, but is unable to show that the process is being implemented.

The outcome is unattained when the rest home cannot show that they have the needed processes, systems or structures in place.

The risk level is determined by two things: how likely the issue is to happen and how serious the consequences of it happening would be.

The risk levels are:

  • negligible – this issue requires no additional action or planning.
  • low – this issue requires a negotiated plan in order to fix the issue within a specified and agreed time frame, such as one year.
  • moderate – this issue requires a negotiated plan in order to fix the issue within a specific and agreed time frame, such as six months.
  • high – this issue requires a negotiated plan in order to fix the issue within one month or as agreed between the service and auditor.
  • critical – This issue requires immediate corrective action in order to fix the identified issue including documentation and sign off by the auditor within 24 hours to ensure consumer safety.

The risk level may be downgraded once the rest home reports the issue is fixed.

Action status

Whether the necessary action is still in progress or if it is complete, as reported by the rest home to the relevant district health board.

Date action reported complete

The date that the district health board was told the issue was fixed.

Audit reports

Before you begin
Before you download the audit reports, please read our guide to rest home certification and audits which gives an overview of the auditing process and explains what the audit reports mean.

What’s on this page?

Audit reports for this rest home’s latest audits can be downloaded below.

Full audit reports are provided for audits processed and approved after 29 August 2013.  Note that the format for the full audit reports was streamlined from 16 December 2014.  Full audit reports between 29 August 2013 and 16 December 2014 are therefore in a different format. 

From 1 June 2009 to 28 February 2022 rest homes were audited against the Health and Disability Services Standards NZS 8134:2008. These standards have been updated, and from 28 February 2022 rest homes are audited against Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard NZS 8134:2021.

Prior to 29 August 2013, only audit summaries are available.

Both the recent full audit reports and previous audit summaries include:

  • an overview of the rest home’s performance, and
  • coloured indicators showing how well the rest home performed against the different aspects of the Ngā Paerewa Health and Disability Services Standard.

Note: From November 2013, as rest homes are audited, any issues from their latest audit (the corrective actions required by the auditor) will appear on the rest home’s page. As the rest home completes the required actions, the status on the web site will update.

Audit reports

Audit date: 17 July 2023

Audit type:Certification Audit

Audit date: 19 January 2022

Audit type:Surveillance Audit

Audit date: 25 July 2019

Audit type:Partial Provisional Audit; Certification Audit

Audit date: 01 August 2018

Audit type:Provisional Audit

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