About planning and performance measures data
The Ministry of Health used to provide data to district health boards (DHBs) on the following measures, which Health New Zealand is now responsible for:
- Acute Hospital Bed Days
- acute readmissions to hospitals
- ambulatory sensitive hospital admissions (ASH)
- Babies Living in Smokefree Homes
- Inpatient Average Length of Stay
- youth alcohol related Emergency Department presentations.
The data was used by DHBs to monitor their performance and plan.
Contact details
For information about measures data Health New Zealand is responsible for, contact the Service Performance Team at Health New Zealand.
Email: [email protected]
Youth Self Harm Hospitalisations
The Ministry of Health continues to report on Youth Self Harm Hospitalisations, now biannually.
Well Child Tamariki Ora Quality Improvement Framework reports
Current and historic Well Child Tamariki Ora Quality Improvement Framework (QIF) reports are available from Health New Zealand.
Well Child Tamariki Ora Quality Improvement Framework
DHB performance measures for 2021/22
Our report on DHB non-financial monitoring framework and performance measures for 2021/22 is available for download. This was the last year we reported on these measures.