Connected Health ICT Research 2009
Information communications technology (ICT) is a vital part of the Ministry of Health’s goal of developing a person-centred and provider-friendly health system. Creating an environment where clinicians and patients can safely share electronic information is an essential part of improving health care.
From 2007 to 2009, the Ministry of Health commissioned qualitative and quantitative research studies of the health sector’s ICT usage and requirements – the most extensive research of its kind undertaken in New Zealand.
The research provides establishes benchmark data of current health ICT usage and provides an understanding of the future requirements for ICT products and services from the health sector.
For more information, see Connected Health ICT Research 2009 (in the Ministry’s Library Catalogue).
National Childhood Immunisation Coverage Survey 2005
The National Childhood Immunisation Survey 2005 considered immunisation coverage for the primary series of vaccinations up to the age of two years. The survey involved interviewing the caregivers of 1563 children aged 2–3 years old throughout the country, from January to March 2005.
The results of the survey provide good estimates of the level of vaccination coverage for two to three-year-olds in New Zealand, information that has not been available since the early 1990’s. This report contains fully immunised and individual vaccine coverage levels for different end points, presented by ethnicity, health region and by DHB where possible. It also contains information on reasons for missed vaccinations and caregiver attitudes and knowledge to immunisation.
The results of the survey are presented alongside background information on the importance of monitoring immunisation coverage levels, the history of monitoring immunisation coverage levels in New Zealand and strategies that can help improve immunisation coverage levels.
For more information, see National Childhood Immunisation Coverage Survey 2005.
Prisoner Health Survey
The Prisoner Health Survey 2005 was a national survey of prisoners that investigated the health status of sentenced prisoners in New Zealand. The survey was conducted in 2005 using face-to-face interviews with 423 sentenced prisoners from around New Zealand.
The report results from the Prisoner Health Survey 2005 contains information on the prevalence of chronic disease, the prevalence of risk and protective factors, use of health services, aspects of oral health and the past experience of communicable disease among sentenced prisoners. It also includes a summary of previous New Zealand research on the health of prisoners.
For more information, see the publications in the Ministry’s Library Catalogue.
Selected Professional Workforce Survey
The Ministry of Health has maintained the New Zealand selected health professional workforce data collection since 1995.
This data is collated from selected health professional workforce in New Zealand in both the public and private sectors who were sent invoices for an Annual Practising Certificates. The data was obtained by means of a questionnaire which accompanied the invoice for each certificate.
A National Survey of Children and Young People’s Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours in New Zealand
This is the first national survey of physical activity, sedentary behaviours and dietary habits in 5–24 year-olds in New Zealand. The Survey was commissioned by SPARC together with the Ministries of Health, Education and Youth Development. Face-to-face interviews with follow-up telephone calls were conducted with a nationally representative sample of 2503 participants from September 2008 to May 2009.
To learn more about the results of the survey, go to A National Survey of Children and Young People’s Physical Activity and Dietary Behaviours in New Zealand: 2008/09 – Key Findings.