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Documents relating to the regulation of medicines, medical devices and natural health products
Previously released decision documents, including Cabinet documents and regulatory impact statements.
PageInternational Approaches to Natural Health Product Regulations
Publication date:This report outlines and compares regulatory approaches to natural health products (NHPs) in Australia, Canada, the EU, UK, USA and China. It includes specific coverage on the regulation of homeopathy in Germany and Ayurveda in India.
Regulating medicines, medical devices and natural health products
Last updated:Information about the development of new legislation for the modern, risk-proportionate regulation of medicines and medical devices.
PageSubscribe for updates on medicines, medical devices, natural health products
Last updated:Subscribe to our email list to receive updates about medicines, medical devices, natural health products.
PageSummary report for the Rongoā Workstream
Publication date:The summary report of engagement, prepared by Weaving Insights, was part of work led by Manatū Hauora for the rongoā workstream