National Vision and Hearing Screening Protocols
Publication date:These screening protocols are for use by vision hearing technicians (VHTs) and other health professionals who are part of the National Vision Hearing Screening Programme.
Me aro ki te hā o Hineahuone – a national evaluation of breast and cervical Screening Support Services
Publication date:This publication is a national evaluation of breast and cervical Screening Support Services that was commissioned to inform the future direction and approach of services.
Independent Assurance Review for the National Bowel Screening Programme
Publication date:On 8 August 2018, the Ministry of Health published an independent review endorsing the continued roll-out of National Bowel Screening Programme, with some improvements.
Independent Assurance Review for the NBSP six-month report to February 2019
Publication date:On 8 August 2018, the Ministry published an independent review endorsing the continued roll-out of National Bowel Screening Programme, with some improvements. The Ministry committed to publishing its progress to meet the 19 wide-ranging recommendations to support continued improvement. This is the six-month report to February 2019.
Guidance for Best Practice Management in the National Bowel Screening Programme: Consultation document
Publication date:As part of ongoing quality improvement, the National Bowel Screening Programme has developed draft clinical guidelines for the health sector. The guidelines will provide guidance to practitioners involved in the Bowel Screening pathway, supporting clinical decision making and providing advice to participants.
Final Evaluation Report of the Bowel Screening Pilot: Screening Rounds One and Two
Publication date:This report presents the final evaluation findings from Rounds One and Two of the Waitematā District Health Board Bowel Screening Pilot.
Cohort and case control analyses of breast cancer mortality: BreastScreen Aotearoa 1999-2011
Publication date:This major new study confirms that New Zealand’s organised breast screening programme, BreastScreen Aotearoa is reducing deaths from breast cancer.
National Cervical Screening Programme: changing the primary laboratory test
Publication date:The National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP) is seeking publicviews on changing the primary cervical cancer screening test. With the HPV (human papillomavirus) test showing considerable promise in reducing invasive cervical cancer and lowering the number of deaths from cervical cancer, the NCSP is now considering introducing it as the primary testing tool for cervical cancer screening.
Interim Evaluation Report of the Bowel Screening Pilot: Screening Round One
Publication date:This report presents the evaluation findings from round one of the bowel screening pilot. It describes how effective, safe, acceptable and equitable the pilot was in round one and provides a preliminary analysis of the round one costings.
The National Health Promotion Framework and Implementation Planning Guide for Screening Programmes
Publication date:The National Health Promotion Framework and Implementation Planning Guide for Screening Programmes aims to help users to understand the National Screening Unit's intent and direction for health promotion in screening.