Draft Suicide Prevention Action Plan for 2025 – 2029 Public consultation document
Publication date:The first Suicide Prevention Action Plan, covering 2019–2024, will expire at the end of this year. The Ministry of Health has led the drafting of a new action plan which is strongly aligned with the Government’s Mental Health portfolio priorities.
Understanding suicide data
Last updated:In New Zealand, a death is only classified as suicide by the coroner on completion of the coroner’s inquiry.
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Evidence synthesis of the research on Suicide Prevention and Postvention; Aotearoa New Zealand and International Perspectives
Publication date:This publication summarises the most up-to-date and relevant local and international evidence on suicide prevention and postvention. It highlights what the most impactful interventions are for the New Zealand context and where the gaps in the research are.
Review of evidence behind suicide prevention initiatives released
Publication date:A review of the evidence on effectiveness of suicide prevention initiatives has been published today on the Ministry of Health websiteMental health, addiction and suicide prevention
Last updated:Information about the Ministry of Health’s work in mental health, addiction and suicide prevention.
PageMinistry of Health remains committed to suicide prevention
Publication date:The Ministry of Health remains committed to ensuring there is strong and visible leadership of suicide prevention in any new organisational structure and has provided that assurance to the Minister of Mental Health.Suicide data updated with confirmed numbers for 2019
Publication date:Health NZ | Te Whatu Ora has updated its Suicide Data Web Tool to include information from the Coroner’s Office about the number of confirmed suicides in 2019.International suicide prevention resources
Last updated:Links to international suicide prevention resources.
PageUnderstanding suicide
Last updated:Suicide affects people from all communities and population groups.
PageSuicide Prevention Office releases report into bereaved families’ experiences with Coroner investigations
Publication date:The Suicide Prevention Office, within the Ministry of Health, has released the report Shining a light on whānau experiences of Coroners’ investigations of suspected self-inflicted deathsShining a Light on Whānau Experiences of Coroners’ Investigations of Suspected Self-Inflicted Deaths
Publication date:This publication provides the recommendations of a group of people bereaved by suicide based on their review of the Coroners’ investigations process for suspected self-inflicted deaths. This work was commissioned by the Suicide Prevention Office, Manatū Hauora.
Every Life Matters: Suicide Prevention Strategy and Action Plan
Last updated:Every Life Matters outlines a clear vision and specific actions for preventing suicide in New Zealand.
PageSuicide prevention
Last updated:Suicide is a serious concern for New Zealand communities. This section covers the Ministry of Health’s suicide prevention work.
PageMinistry of Health recognises World Suicide Prevention Day
Publication date:As we take time to recognise World Suicide Prevention Day on Sunday and think about people and whānau who have been impacted by suicide or self-harm, it is a timely opportunity to take stock of how we communicate about suicide in public fora