About us Mō mātou

About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

Regulation & legislation Ngā here me ngā ture

Health providers and products we regulate, and laws we administer.

Strategies & initiatives He rautaki, he tūmahi hou

How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

Increasing access to health services, achieving equity and improving outcomes for Māori.

Statistics & research He tatauranga, he rangahau

Data and insights from our health surveys, research and monitoring.

In this section Kei tēnei wāhanga

  • General retailers of vaping and other notifiable products

    Find out more about general retailers of vaping and other notifiable products, and regulated product seller (RPS) notifications.

  • Overview of tobacco-based and synthetic-based oral nicotine products

    There are many different oral nicotine products. How they are dealt with under the law depends on whether the nicotine component is tobacco-based or synthetic-based, and the intended use.

  • Guide to opening a specialist vape store

    To become a specialist vape retailer, understand the eligibility criteria and application process involved.

  • Location requirements for specialist vape retailers

    Specialist vape retailers need to meet strict location requirements. Understand how the Ministry of Health checks these requirements are met.

  • Preventing under 18s from entering approved vaping premises

    Specialist vape retailers must take all practicable steps to prevent people under the age of 18 entering their approved vaping premises.

  • Application process to become a specialist vape retailer

    To become a specialist vape retailer, understand the process you need to go through to apply to the Vaping Regulatory Authority.

  • Display, advertising and packaging of vaping and other notifiable products

    Retailers can display vaping products within their premises or on their websites. Other notifiable products (smokeless tobacco and herbal smoking products) must not be displayed in-store or on websites. 

  • Sale of vaping and smoking products to minors

    Vaping products, smokeless tobacco, and herbal smoking products are not allowed to be sold to anyone under 18 years old.

Last updated
Last updated

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora