About us Mō mātou

About the Ministry of Health and the New Zealand health system. 

Regulation & legislation Ngā here me ngā ture

Health providers and products we regulate, and laws we administer.

Strategies & initiatives He rautaki, he tūmahi hou

How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

Māori health Hauora Māori

Increasing access to health services, achieving equity and improving outcomes for Māori.

Statistics & research He tatauranga, he rangahau

Data and insights from our health surveys, research and monitoring.

Smokefree enforcement officers (SFEOs) are appointed by the Director-General of Health to act under the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act 1990. SFEOs are employed by the Ministry of Health and the National Public Health Service These officers work with smoking and notifiable product regulation, including vaping, and have the power to: 

  • enter and inspect any retail premises or other place where regulated activities relating to notifiable products are carried out, or are reasonably thought to be carried out
  • inspect any notifiable products for sale at that place
  • take photographs, videos or other recordings
  • take air samples
  • inspect advertising or display material
  • require identifying information from a person they believe has sold, delivered, or arranged delivery of a notifiable product to a person under the age of 18. 

SFEOs also do compliance work such as controlled purchase operations, responding to complaints, and supporting enforcement work such as prosecutions. They will carry documentation to verify their identify, and will show this to you. An SFEO is not permitted to enter private houses or accommodation unless they have the consent of the occupier, a search warrant, or they have a power of entry under other legislation. 

To contact an SFEO, find your local office of the National Public Health Service

You can also make a complaint online.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora