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How we’re working to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

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Displaying 961 - 975 of 975 results
  • Reducing Inequalities in Health

    Publication date:

    In New Zealand, ethnic identity is an important dimension of health inequalities. Māori health status is demonstrably poorer than other New Zealanders; actions to improve Māori health also recognise Treaty of Waitangi obligations of the Crown. Pacific peoples also have poorer health than Pakeha. In addition, gender and geographical inequalities are important areas for action.

    • Publication
    • Inequalities
  • Health of Older People Strategy 2002

    Publication date:

    Older people participate to their fullest ability in decisions about their health and wellbeing and in family, whanau and community life. They are supported in this by co-ordinated and responsive health and disability support programmes.

    • Publication
    • Older people (65+)
  • Toward Clinical Excellence: An Introduction to Clinical Audit, Peer Review and Other Clinical Practice Improvements

    Publication date:

    "Toward Clinical Excellence" is a series of publications developed to assist practitioners and managers as they work to improve clinical quality in the New Zealand public health system. This publication, the third in this series, provides a handbook for practitioners developing expertise in peer review and clinical audit as part of their service quality plan.

    • Publication
    • Health system
  • Dementia in New Zealand: Improving Quality in Residential Care

    Publication date:

    This report Dementia in New Zealand: Improving Quality in Residential Care (the Dementia Care Report) provides recommendations from the Dementia Working Group on improving the quality of residential care for people with dementia. The Ministry of Health supports the recommendations listed in the report and agrees with the working group’s assessment of the impact of dementia on people’s lives.

    • Publication
    • Older people (65+)
  • The Pacific Health and Disability Action Plan

    Publication date:

    The Pacific Health and Disability Action Plan (the Action Plan) sets out the strategic direction and actions for improving health outcomes for Pacific peoples and reducing inequalities between Pacific and non-Pacific peoples. It is directed at the health and disability service sectors and Pacific communities, and aims to provide and promote affordable, effective and responsive health and disability services for all New Zealanders.

    • Publication
    • Pacific health
  • Sexual and Reproductive Health Strategy: Phase One

    Publication date:

    Positive sexuality and healthy sexual and reproductive health are Government priorities. As we are sexual beings, positive sexual identity and sexuality are fundamental to our sense of self, self-esteem and ability to lead a fulfilling life.

    • Publication
    • Sexual & reproductive health
  • The Primary Health Care Strategy

    Publication date:

    A strong primary health care system is central to improving the health of New Zealanders and, in particular, tackling inequalities in health.

    • Publication
    • Primary health care
  • The New Zealand Health Strategy 2000

    Publication date:

    This strategy document, published in 2000, has now been superseded by the New Zealand Health Strategy 2016.

    • Publication
    • Health system
  • Involving Families

    Publication date:

    Guidance for involving families and whanau of mental health consumers/tangata whai ora in care, assessment and treatment processes

    • Publication
    • Mental health
  • Guidelines for the Safe Piercing of Skin

    Publication date:

    Body piercing and tattooing are activities that can affect public health when operators use unsafe techniques. There are significant hazards posed by contact with blood and body fluid, such as (the risk of) transmitting blood-borne viral diseases.

    • Publication
    • Diseases & conditions
  • The Social, Cultural and Economic Determinants of Health in New Zealand

    Publication date:

    This report considers the social, cultural and economic determinants of health and provides advice to the Minister of Health on practical strategies that will improve the health of New Zealanders and reduce socioeconomic inequalities in health

    • Publication
    • Inequalities
  • Child Health Strategy

    Publication date:

    This strategy was developed through extensive consultation with the child health community in New Zealand. It reflects the child health community's views about what is needed to improve health outcomes for children/tamariki and their families and whānau in New Zealand.

    • Publication
    • Babies and toddlers (0–2 years)
  • Nga Kupu Oranga Healthy Messages: A health and safety resource for early childhood services

    Publication date:

    A resource developed for early childhood services to provide information and advice about common illnesses and how to prevent them; the care of children with ongoing conditions such as asthma and diabetes; the Well Child–Tamariki Ora programme; food and nutrition; staff health; and safety issues likely to occur in any early childhood service.

    • Publication
    • Babies and toddlers (0–2 years)

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