The New Zealand Illicit Drug Harm Index 2023: Research Report
Publication date:The 2023 Illicit Drug Harm Index (DHI 2023) provides a comprehensive evaluation of the costs of harmful illicit drug use, updated from the 2020 Illicit Drug Harm Index.
Drug Checking Licensing Scheme Provider Licensing Application Form
Publication date:This publication is required to be completed by applicants seeking licensing as a drug checking service provider. It provides criteria for applicants to submit information and supporting documentation to demonstrate suitability for licensing.
Drug Checking Service Provider Licensing Handbook
Publication date:This publication provides information and guidance about drug checking licensing for both potential and current providers. The handbook gives details on the application process, along with general information about the Drug Checking Licensing Scheme for drug checking service providers.
The New Zealand Illicit Drug Harm Index 2020: Research report
Publication date:The 2020 Illicit Drug Harm Index (DHI 2020) provides a comprehensive evaluation of the costs of harmful illicit drug use.
The Evaluation of Te Ara Oranga: The Pathway to Wellbeing
Publication date:This publication presents the findings of the evaluation of the Te Ara Oranga: The Pathway to Wellbeing, a methamphetamine treatment programme.
Misuse Of Drugs Amendment Act 2019 Post-Implementation Review
Publication date:This report is an interim review of the impact of amendments made in 2019 to the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975
A New National Drug Policy for New Zealand: Summary of Submissions
Publication date:This publication summarises the submissions received on the discussion document A New National Drug Policy for New Zealand, which was released for public consultation between December 2013 and February 2014.
National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020
Publication date:The National Drug Policy 2015 to 2020 sets out the Government’s approach to alcohol and other drug issues, with the overarching goal of minimising alcohol and other drug harm, and promoting and protecting health and wellbeing.
Specialist Opioid Substitution Treatment (OST) Service Audit and Review Tool
Publication date:This document sets out the audit requirements to determine whether practices within specialist OST services are consistent with current best practice in OST and to clarify service providers’ responsibilities in providing OST.
Drug Checking Complaints Form
Publication date:This publication is the form to be filled out and submitted for drug checking complaints.
Drug Checking Complaints Policy
Publication date:This publication is the Manatū Hauora policy regarding drug checking complaints.
Drug Checking Review of Decisions Form
Publication date:This publication is the form to be filled out and submitted for drug checking licensing review of decisions.
Drug Checking Suitability and Non-Compliance Policy
Publication date:This publication is the Manatū Hauora policy regarding drug checking licensing suitability and non-compliance.
Drug Checking Review of Decisions Policy
Publication date:This publication is the Manatū Hauora policy regarding drug checking licensing review of decisions.
Prescribing Controlled Drugs in Addiction Treatment
Publication date:Last updated:This publication explains the Ministry’s processes and policies for approving controlled drug substitution treatment providers under section 24 of the Misuse of Drugs Act 1975.