Consultation period is closed.Submissions closed at Thursday, 18 April 2019 5:00pm.
The Ministry of Health consulted on an exposure draft of the Therapeutic Products Bill from December 2018 to April 2019.
Accompanying the Bill was the Therapeutic Products Regulatory Scheme: Consultation document. The purpose of this consultation document was to help stakeholders understand the draft Therapeutic Products Bill and to seek feedback on the provisions, and key policy matters, in the Bill.
Submissions received
Four hundred and forty-two submissions were received from a variety of stakeholders including consumers, industry professionals, health practitioners and their organisations, and health sector organisations. Submissions covered all of the issues in the Bill and proposed regulatory scheme.
Stakeholders expressed general support for the purpose and principles of the Bill, recognising that successive governments have been working to enact reform in this area for many years. A summary of the key themes identified in the submissions is included below.
We will seek Cabinet approval for any major changes in policy identified, and then work with the Parliamentary Counsel Office to amend the Bill, as necessary, before it enters the Parliamentary process.
When the Bill reaches Select Committee stage, expected to be at the end of 2022 or early 2023, there will be an opportunity for people to have their say. There will also be further opportunities during the consultation on the regulations.
Information forum
The Ministry held an information session to explain the draft Bill on 11 February 2019. The focus of the session was to help those with an in-depth interest in the technical aspects of the new regulatory scheme to understand how the provisions in the draft Bill work.
The presentation, including an audio recording of the presentation, from this information session are available below.
Information session - audio only (mp3, 30 MB)
Sector forums
In March 2019 the Ministry of Health held consultation forums on the draft Therapeutic Products Bill with the following sector groups: Medicines, Medical Device, Cell and Tissue, Research, Pharmacy, Consumers, and Health Practitioners. The Ministry also held a forum in Christchurch covering the draft Bill more generally. We would like to thank the stakeholders that attended these forums for their engagement and thoughtful questions. The questions and comments raised during these forums will be considered as part of the consultation analysis.
The presentations from these forums are available below.
Publishing information
- Publication date
- Citation
Ministry of Health. 2018. Therapeutic Products Regulatory Scheme: Consultation document. Wellington: Ministry of Health.
- 978-1-98-856830-0 (online)
- HP number
- 6992
- Copyright status
Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.