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Research organisation: University of Auckland
Primary contact: Dr Fiona Rossen

Summary of project/aims


This study provides an in-depth quantitative analysis of gambling and problem gambling data from the 2011/12 New Zealand Health Survey (NZHS). The 2011/12 New Zealand Health Survey gathered data through face-to-face interviews with approximately 12,000 randomly selected adults aged 15 years and over throughout New Zealand. It provides information about health behaviours, lifestyles, health status, and access to health care. Questions on gambling and problem gambling have been included in the three most recent New Zealand Health Surveys - 2002/03, 2006/07 and 2011/12.

Aims and methods

The overall aim of this study was to provide a comprehensive and detailed analysis of the full gambling and problem gambling dataset collected in the 2011/12 NZHS. Specifically, this report:

  • provides population based estimates of gambling and problem gambling behaviours in relation to individuals’ (adults aged 15 years or older) own gambling behaviour and the gambling behaviour of others (ie, people affected by someone else’s gambling)
  • examines similarities and disparities in gambling and problem gambling behaviours according to major socio-demographic variables: age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status/deprivation, education, employment status and income
  • explores associations between gambling and problem gambling behaviours and potential risk/resiliency factors, including: socio-demographic factors; use of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs; level of functioning; long-term mental health conditions (depression, manic depression, anxiety), and use of health services
  • examines trends over time for gambling and problem gambling data where permissible (ie, time series analysis of NZHS data from 2002/03, 2006/07 and 2011/12).

Previous reports

Reports on gambling from previous years of the New Zealand Health Survey can be found in the Library Catalogue.

Publishing information

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Third-party content. Please check the document or email the Web Manager to find out how to obtain permission to re-use content.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora