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Consultation period is closed.
Submissions closed at Monday, 23 November 2015 12:00am.


The Pharmacy Action Plan:

  • defines how the pharmacy sector can work in partnership with other health professionals.
  • identifies actions that will contribute to better use of the pharmacy workforce delivering services as part of a highly functioning, patient centred, fully integrated health team
  • increases the emphasis on new models of pharmacy care being provided more flexibly and in a broader range of settings.
  • has a focus on better use of technology and information systems.

The Pharmacy Action Plan includes a series of draft actions that articulate how pharmacy can contribute as collaborative partners in an integrated health system designed to improve health outcomes for all New Zealanders.

The Plan sets a vision for the sector over the next three to five years. It articulates how the capacity and capability of the pharmacy workforce can be most effectively used to deliver quality, accessible and cost-effective healthcare services as part of an integrated health system that supports all New Zealanders to live longer, healthier, more independent lives.

The Plan has identified five focus areas:

  • Population and personal health
  • Pharmacist clinical services
  • Acute demand management
  • Dispensing and supply services
  • Pharmacist prescribing.

The five focus areas are supported by four enablers; leadership, information and other technology, workforce and regulation. A set of draft actions has been developed for each focus area and enabler.

Publishing information

Publication date

Ministry of Health. 2015. Draft Pharmacy Action Plan 2015–2020. Wellington: Ministry of Health.

978-0-947491-05-5 (online)
HP number
Copyright status

Owned by the Ministry of Health and licensed for reuse under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence.

© Ministry of Health – Manatū Hauora