
This publication, which has been prepared for, and is published by, Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora, is for the assistance of those involved in providing immunisation services in New Zealand.

While the information and advice included in this publication are believed to be correct, no liability is accepted for any incorrect statement or advice. No person proposing to administer a vaccine to any other person should rely on the advice given in this publication without first exercising his or her professional judgement as to the appropriateness of administering that vaccine to another person.

The Health New Zealand | Te Whatu Ora website hosts the most current version of the Immunisation Handbook. Check the website for the updates that will occur as and when required.

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This is version 1 of the Immunisation Handbook 2024, released 7 March 2024.

Summary of changes


Summary of changes from previously available Immunisation Handbook 2020 Version 23 and follow-up notice of changes published on the on the Ministry of Health website in December 2023.

See summary of changes

  1. Chapter 4, Immunisation of Special Groups:
    a. Updated relevant COVID-19 sections in each high-risk group.
  2. Chapter 5, COVID-19:
    Extensive update to replace original and bivalent mRNA-CV (30 µg) with XBB.1.5 mRNA-CV (30µg) 
    Removed reference to booster doses and replaced with ‘additional’ doses.
    XBB formulation is a one dose primary course.
    Updated recommendations for additional doses and additional doses in pregnancy.
    Updated public health measures.
  3. Chapter 6, Diphtheria:
    Updated antimicrobial prophylaxis and exclusion of contacts, to match CD manual.
    Corrected vaccine details in the vaccination of contacts.
  4. Chapter 9, Hepatitis B:
    Table 9.6 – clarified that 40µg means two doses of 1.0 ml.
    Figure 9.4 – updated non-responder protocol. 
  5. Chapter 11, Influenza: 
    Updated for the 2024 influenza programme.
  6. Chapter 12, Measles:
    Improved clarity in wording about when children received MMR at 11 months and when 2nd dose is given. 
    In an outbreak scenario, recommend referring to clinical guidance provided in the CD Manual.
  7. Chapter 13, Meningococcal:
    Removed mention of MenB catch up for 13–25-year-olds. 
    Added note in Table 13.2 to check NZ Formulary for antibiotic dosages.
    Corrected footnote in table 13.6 – MenB doesn’t have an upper age limit on licensure.
  8. Chapter 15, Pertussis: 
    Updated wording around unfunded (10-yearly) recommendations.
    Table 15.3, added note to check NZ Formulary for current dosing details.
  9. Chapter 15, Pneumococcal: 
    Tables 16.3 and 16.4, added footnote about giving 23PPV to children born prematurely with ongoing lung disease. 
  10. Appendix 6:
    A6.4.1, Interaction with other drugs: updated re MMR and VV after receipt of blood products.