Coping with stress and anxiety

This section contains guidance for emergency response workers, health staff and volunteers on how to cope with stress and anxiety in an emergency situation.

The Ministry of Health is the agency responsible for coordinating the provision of psychosocial support at the national level.  The Framework for Psychosocial Support in Emergencies reflects activity across all phases of disaster risk management; reduction, readiness, response and recovery; and is designed to help those involved in planning, coordinating and delivering psychosocial interventions and mental health treatments in an emergency.

Many people affected by an emergency will experience some level of distress - though for most this is manageable. Understanding the range of possible emotional reactions that people may feel during the course of a disaster, the potential triggers of certain behaviours and the impact of mental health needs before, during and after major incidents is of great importance in allowing people and communities to manage and recover from stresses.

Information for all affected children

View the factsheet Information on processes for preventing and managing the stress experienced by the affected children in a community. This has been adapted from the fact sheet Dr Sarb Johal has prepared on the Massey website.

More of these factsheets explaining how best to deal with stress form disasters are available through the publications from the Massey University Joint Centre for Disaster Research.

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