Directions to fluoridate water supplies reconfirmed following Director-General of Health assessment
Publication date:The Director-General of Health has reconfirmed the directions issued to 14 local authorities to fluoridate one or more of their water supplies. This followed the completion of a court-ordered Bill of Rights Act assessment.
Water Fluoridation court decision update
Publication date:A recent High Court judgment has kept in place directions issued to local authorities to fluoridate drinking water supplies.
Fluoride legal decision update
Publication date:High Court judgment has found the former Director-General of Health made an error of law in the process for considering July 2022 directions to fluoridate drinking water
Highlighting the importance of healthy teeth and gums
Publication date:November is a key month for oral health awareness, with the first of the month marking New Zealand’s ninth national oral health day.
New funding for water fluoridation
Publication date:The Director-General of Health has made directions under the Health Act to 14 local authorities to add fluoride to some or all of their water supplies. Local authorities who are directed to fluoridate their water supplies will be invited to apply for funding from a $11.3 million fund for capital projects associated with these works.