Replacing a responsible person for protected quality assurance activities

When the Minister of Health declares a quality assurance activity to be protected he must also appoint a person to be responsible for the activity. If the responsible person ceases to be responsible for the activity because of resignation, death or the revocation of the responsible person’s appointment, a replacement must be appointed within 31 working days of the position becoming vacant.

The quality assurance activity ceases to be protected if a replacement responsible person is not appointed within 31 working days of the position becoming vacant (see section 57 of the Health Practitioners Competence Assurance Act).

The Protected Quality Assurance Activity Notice sponsor is responsible for nominating a replacement responsible person, and should do so as soon as is possible.

The application form to nominate a replacement responsible person and declaration form signed by the responsible person is available as a download on this page. It should be completed and returned to the Ministry of Health.

When submitting your application, please ensure that you post a signed copy and submit an electronic copy. If possible, please use the Microsoft Word template.

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